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"And that's how I met Taehyung. My bestie and only friend other than you." You told how you and Tae met. A tale of a bad boy becoming good for a girl bestfriend.

"Can we go back to the part where you'd by illusion of a friendship. Instead of opening up." Jungkook couldn't digest the fact that you an extrovert were fearing to open up to Tae in the past.

"When you allow a person to your mind, you give them the reign to your emotions." You smiled softly. "I don't like that." You added.

"Because if you invite the wrong person, whether you want or not you'll be hurt. Smashing plates, screaming fights just not a conclusion." You said remembering how your mom and dad used to fight.

"So yeah, I would pay for an illusion. Drama is equal to headache." You shrugged. "Y/N, sure people have different opinions. They can communicate instead of throwing plates and fighting." He explained.

"No relationship is perfect, at a point there will be an argument at some point. Only those relationships survive who pass that phase." He added.

"We can communicate." He spoke one last line. "Now that you say, what if I'm yelling around and push you. Like this." You said and pushed him.

He grabbed you by your forearm and pulled you in a hug. "Then I would hug you like this and ask you to explain why you're upset." He stated.

He cupped your face and looked in your eyes. "I would ask 'what's wrong, babe.'" He spoke and you were lost in his eyes. He treated you so different from what your parents did to each other.

He's breaking all the boundaries I had on the thought of love. That kind of love bought only pain.

"But his could you be sure that the person let you in." You mumbled and looked down. "Well you're not sure. You have to take a gamble for love." He smiled softly.

"But, if you close off yourself you would have to be all alone. If you truly enjoy it then it's fine but do you?" He asked. He knew the answer real well.

"There you go, Taehyung is waiting for your answer." He passed you your phone.

It would have been me waiting for the reply, Y/N. If it wasn't for we live worlds apart.

"Well, I have something to tell you too this weekend." You texted him finally.

"Well this complicates things." Taehyung mumbled after he read your text on the other side and sighed.



fter applying the lipstick and zipping up the dress to go up to the rooftop of your building which was holding a party today.

Jungkook thought that you were taking unusually long time. He was playing on his phone.

He finally heard the voice of heels and looked up to be awestruck by your beauty. You were a beautiful black dress that hugged your curves. Your cleavage slightly visible.

"Tae said he's not coming, some work came up." You sighed. Jungkook was a bit happy which he slightly found wrong.

"I took a long shower and dressed up like this for him and he's not coming." You looked up at the starry night sky of seoul.

"I see and appreciate the sight." Jungkook smiled. You looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" You asked again. "No, sorry. Nothing." He said and looked away touching his ears.

"It's great that we can see each other as long as it's within this building. Who knew they had a club on the rooftop." You smiled.

"Yea..the view is beautiful." He was not commenting on the scenery but you. You were clicking pics of the area.

"Some people here are not from my world." You stated. "Then they're from my world and when you touch them your hand passes right through them." He explained as he touched a girl from your world.

"This means it also looks like we are talking to ourselves." He smiled softly. His smiles made you feel things you should not.

"That's fine, they can think that we are crazy." You chuckled. Jungkook spreaded his legs and sat comfortably.

"So, are you going to reschedule the date?" He asked.

"I feel like I shouldn't. I dressed up for him and he canceled plans last minute like I didn't matter at all." You showed your clothes. "As if the universe is sending me signal, a giant stop." You added and softly chuckled.

"Just breathe, reschedule and tell him how you feel. Kiss kiss and fall in love." He cheered softly.

"Alright my love professor. If it's so easy then why don't I see you flirting with anyone." You smirked.

"Are you saying that if I hit on someone you'll confess to Taehyung?" He asked. "Maybe." You smirked and drank a sip of the wine.

"Oh pick someone then." He stated and you smiled in victory. You opened your phone to confirm that who were from his world.

"Then I pick him!" You pointed at a boy. "Y/N..I'm a BI I know but I'm not as much into men." Jungkook whined.

"A girls are hardly a challenge." You shrugged. "What if he's straight?" He asked. "That's your problem bunny." You laughed. "I just have to flirt. Right?" He confirmed once again.

"No, you have to kiss him too." You thought for a second and answered. 

He whined and started to walk with a blush towards the guy. Then he turned around and rushed to you.

"I can't beleive you got me into this." His voice trembled due to the embarrassment.
You started laughing. "Keep laughing. I'll laugh when you confess to Tae." He taunted.

He went to the boy. They were to boys. Sitting together. "This is gonna sound very weird but feel free to say no at anytime." Jungkook stated.

"Then no." The other guy who had a very pale skin and wore a 'I don't give a fuck' expression. He was very handsome yet. His hairs sweep back as he wore a leather jacket. Slight eyeliner below his eyes, barely visible.

"Kidding kid, just go on." He added and drank another sip of his wine. "So my friend dared me to come here and.." Jungkook was embarrassed to complete.

The other guy, who he needed to kiss had light grayish bluish hair color, a wonderful haircut. He seemed very tall just from sitting. He had a very broad chest and thick thighs. He had a small smile which depicted his dimples adding to his beauty.

"And?" The boy asked. "She dared me to kiss you." Jungkook squealed shyly and touched his red ears.

"Wait..I'm just gonna go." Jungkook sighed. "Wait. A kiss dare. Huh?" The dimple boy slightly smirked.


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