o. Hell Hath No Fury...

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hell hath no fury... like an amano scorned

NEVER mess with an Amano

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NEVER mess with an Amano.

This sentence of five words is hardly significant upon first glance. But they know better- the jujutsu sorcerers, the knowledgeable curses and even the Council of higher ups who watch over the jujutsu world. No one who messes with an Amano comes back unscathed. This clan of sorcerers are filled with predators, fuelled by their fury and hatred. In a land of jujutsu they claim the throne on the highest mountain peak, pinning their opposers' necks under their foot. They are relentless. The harbinger of destruction and yet, the bringer of salvation. Above all, they should never be messed with.

In the centuries that they existed, the Amano's lived in the shadows. Keeping themselves veiled and emerging out of it only when they deemed it necessary. They were feared because of their cursed techniques, because of their unparalleled power.

Almost every member of the Amano clan harnessed the Cursed Technique that allowed them to take control of another being, curse or human. The ability that keeps you under their thumb, restricting you of any free will. Victims who were caught under this curse before had kissed their lives goodbye even before an Amano could crush their brains with nothing but brute power over the victim's mind.

But even kings meet their doom. And ironically, it was a king that brought the Amano down, trashed them around like they were nothing, overpowered them in every possible sense, ceased their control over his mind.

No one had been this powerful before. No one but Ryomen Sukuna- the King of Curses.

After their shameful defeat, the Amano clan hid in the shadows again- this time for different reasons. Curses weren't afraid of Amano's wrath any longer, in fact they laughed at the once most powerful sorcerer clan who were defeated by the King of Curses. The world believed that the Amano's reign of terror and salvation was always meant to be short-lived. The Amano's will never shine again.

That was wrong.

To bring the Amano back to its former glory, the clan made its sacrifices. Every member of the Amano clan gave up half their cursed energy and their lifespans to create something more powerful than Sukuna himself. The cursed energy of the entire Amano clan was forged into its strongest member- Amano Mito. With the power of every Amano in her hands, Mito promised to end the man who calls himself king and steal Amano's throne back from under him.

But Mito failed. Sukuna's hands were smeared with crimson blood, a maniacal glee on his face. This was all the proof that the Amano's needed- Sukuna was stronger than them, and they would never be able to overpower him. All Mito managed before breathing her last was a fatal wound on Sukuna's abdomen- so fatal that it left a scar on him, the only flaw on his indestructible body.

Ultimately, Mito failed her mission. Failed her clan.

Soon after Mito's failure, other members of the clan met with their deaths one by one. Since the clan entrusted Mito with half of their lifespans and Cursed Energies, their deaths were premature. Thousand lives within Amano scaled down to fifty in a matter of months.

That was it for the clan. The Amano's had lost, no one remembered their glory anymore. They were reduced to nothing more than psychopaths who sought control, and were cornered out of the jujutsu world. They became a bunch of nothings.

Many more years later, there were only ten remaining members of the clan. The shortening of lifespan that the clan suffered from during Sukuna's reign somehow passed down to the children of the Amano's. Ironically, the once most powerful clan involved in jujutsu sorcery was cursed. The higher ups labeled them dangerous and said unspoken words of erasing Amano's existence in the near future. Even though they wanted to fight back, they were powerless against the Council. One order from them and over a dozen jujutsu sorcerers will stand against the Amano, thinking of nothing but their deaths. It was hopeless. The Amano's had almost given up, forgetting every lesson their ancestors' forged into their minds... almost.

There was still hope, because a miracle was born in the form of Amano Akito's daughter. Akane was born with ungodly Cursed Energy in her veins. It was potent, undying and defying everything the Amano's had believed about their bloodline. Amano Akane will live a longer life any Amano has lived in centuries- a real life. And one day, she will possess more Cursed Energy than all of them combined.

How could they let such an opportunity for revolution pass?

Amano Akane had no choice but to follow the path of destiny carved just for her. With her life tied to the strongest Cursed Spirit, Akane will bring back Amano to its former glory and push the whole world down to its knees. This was bound to happen for centuries past.

NEVER mess with an Amano.


Alternative title: The Amano's have a superiority complex and their big fat egos can't handle their inevitable failure (twice) against... The King of Curses. Like, it's Sukuna lol what did you expect

JOKES APART I tried my best to convey whatever I can about Akane's clan without spoiling too much for the future chapters. This will explain why Akane's family treat her a certain way (trust me you will not enjoy that 😃). Mito was a badass who was actually so strong, but oh well it's Sukuna 🤷🏻‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed this!

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