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It was now a week since I have spoken to Jordan. And Devin, I might add.

Jordan is with me in the business class but we never seem to talk.

I leave the class late because sometimes I need to ask the teacher about some stuff, and he never waits for me.

Oh god I'm sounding clingy right now.

I was siting in my dorm leaning against the window wondering what to do so I just decided to call Jordan.

I'll ask him if he wants to hang out or something.

What if he says no?

I know it's not a big deal, but for me it is.

I will feel rejected.

Well, I'm not wrong though.

Oh fuck it, I'll just do it.

I dialed his number nervous that he would ignore me. He answered on the third ring. "Hello?" His voice is devilishly angelic and deep.

Weird combo.

"Hey Jordan, you free?" I said immediately. "Depends on what you want." He said and I could already feel the smirk from here. "Seriously I'm bored and I wondered if you wanted to hang out or something." You know I could've hung out with Vic but she's visiting her family and won't be back for another week. She'll take the classes online untill then.

"Sure, i was going to the guys, wanna tag along?" I had no problem meeting his friends so I agreed then we hung up and I got dressed into a green and white short, blue jeans, Nike Air Force and a green bag.

"Sure, i was going to the guys, wanna tag along?" I had no problem meeting his friends so I agreed then we hung up and I got dressed into a green and white short, blue jeans, Nike Air Force and a green bag

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I left my wavy hair down and put on mascara and some lip gloss.

I also sprayed tons of my favorite perfume.

I always like to put a lot of perfume. Hoping it would last for a long period of time.

I was scrolling through Instagram untill I heard a knock on the door.

I jumped from my bed excitingly and opened the door revealing a very hot Jordan.

He was dressed in an Armani exchange white shirt and black basketball shorts along with a red air Jordan.

It was basic but he looked hot.

He looked at me from my head till my shoes. His gaze roamed all over my body taking me in.

"Hello there." I broke the looks we gave each other. I held out a finger, "wait a second imma grab my purse." I went ahead and grabbed my purse from the top of my dresser. I closed my dorm's door and we walked. He didn't say a single word since he came here. " you look beautiful." He said and looked at me while we were walking.

"I know." I joked. "Nah but really thanks." I turned my head and looked at him like I was evaluating him, "you don't look so bad yourself." I said and grinned.

The car ride consisted of us blasting music and singing a long with it.

We both had terrible voices but I couldn't care less.

I was getting comfortable around him already.

We arrived at one of his friend's place.

It's an apartment but the building looks luxurious not gonna lie.

His friend is on the 15th floor so we have to take the elevator.

I hate elevators.

"Oh god." I mumbled while getting in. He looked at me confused, "what's wrong?" He asked in a confused tone. The elevator's door closed and we were now going up to the 15th floor. "Nothing, I don't like elevators that's all." I gave him a small smile.

I don't like elevators but that doesn't mean I'm going to take the stairs and climb all 15 floors.

Nope. Not happening.

I maybe athletic and all but climbing the stairs is a whole different story.

Wow now I consider myself athletic because I went to the gym for a whole week.

Well, I'm fit. Not because I do sports.No. It's fast metabolism. A gift that I'm grateful for.

"You know for someone acting as strong as you, i find it entertaining that you're scared of elevators." He smirked at me. "Jordan I'm dead serious right now, like what if it gets stuck on the 9th floor or something?" I half panicked.

"It's not a big deal, they'll just get us out." He looked at me like I was the most entertaining thing in the world. "Why even experience such thing." I mumbled.

The elevator's door finally opened. "Freedom." I sighed. "Did I ever tell you that you're so dramatic?" Jordan teased me while leading the way to the apartment's door. "Yeah, once? At McDonald's I think."
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