The mission (filler)

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Tobi POV

Today is my 6th mission with Deidara senpai and I think it's going pretty well! Deidara senpai and I are talking and he seems entertained.

Deidara POV

This is the worst day of my life.
Tobi dosent shut up and he keeps on getting distracted to chase butterflies.
Of all the Akatsuki members to get pared up with this man child, it just HAD to be me. I'd rather be with my man Sasori doing things actually worth while.

Narrator POV

"Deidara senpai are you okay?" Tobi asked Deidara, snapping him back to reality. "Yeah I'm fine..". Tobi hated the awkward silence and randomly smacked Deidara on the shoulder. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH Y-"
"Tag! Your it!"
Tobi shouted before Deidara could finish his sentence. At this point, Deidara was just about ready to murder Tobi.
"Run. You have 10 seconds."
"Does that mean Deidara Senpai is playing?!"
Tobi ran squealing with glee. He was so happy Deidara senpai would play!
"Finally. That bozos gone."
Deidara began continuing on his path to the mission completely ignoring Tobi's existence. After a few minutes of waiting, Tobi came back, frustrated that his senpai was ignoring him.
"Deidara senpai!" Tobi yelled at Deidara, startling him.
"AH- oh. It's just you Tobi. What do you want."
"Sorry I scared you Senpai.. Anyway, Tag! You ignored me! You were supposed to chase me!"
"Were not children, Tobi. And besides, we have a mission to do. This is no time to be joking around. Jeez.."
Tobi sat on the floor folding his arms and legs like a angry child.
"Hmph! I'm not going anywhere until you say sorry and apologize!"
Deidara stood there staring at Tobi while rethinking his life choices.
"I swear to god Tobi..." Deidara mumbled under his breath. 'It'll be easier for both of us if I just apologize and get this over with.' 
Deidara walked over to Tobi and squatted next to him, putting his hand on Tobi's head.
"I'm sorry for ignoring you Tobi. It won't happen again." Deidara said with a closed eye smile, tilting his head slightly. He had quite the girlish charm.

Tobi POV

I sat there like a total idiot dumbfounded by Deidara senpai's sudden kindness. I never realized how cute Deidara senpai is.
"You look just like a girl"
I clapped my hand over my mouth over my mask. 'What the hell tobi? That was so rude! Tobi is a bad boy.'
"I'm sorry Deidara senpai! That was mean. Tobi shouldnt have-"
Deidara giggled and it slowly turned into a laugh.
"What's so funny Deidara senpai? Did Tobi do something wrong?"
Senpai laughed more.
"I'm sorry it's just.. I guess I really do look like a girl. With my long hair that is. Maybe I should cut it.."
"No! I mean.. Deidara senpais hair is so pretty! Deidara senpai shouldnt cut it! Tobi cant imagine senpai with short hair." 'I love Deidara senpai's hair! It makes senpai look so cute! Senpai cant cut it!'
"Maybe your right."
Deidara senpai sighed and stood up.
"Get up."
Senpai said in a stern voice.
"After all, we have a mission to get to."
Senpai flashed me a smile that made Tobi's heart skip a beat.
"O-ok! Wait for Tobi Deidara senpai!"

This is the first chapter of my new story. Tell me what kinds of things I should put in it.
Thanks lol

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