Chapter 1

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Hey guys just a small note Bold will be flackbacks

"That's not fair. Eun-Jung you cheated." Soobin whined.

"I did not. I just evened out the odds." Said girl smiled innocently.

"By cheating." Soobin crossed his hands over his chest and pouted like a child who had lost his candy.

"Pay up. Soobin. You lost the bet." Taehyun grinned.

"Fine." Soobin said continuing pouting.

Lee Eun-Jung shared her last lesson with Soobin and Taehyun. Their teacher had been absent so the three had spent the time messing around. Soobin, Taehyun, Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Kai had been friends since primary school.

They had impatiently been waiting for school to end and were thankful when the bell finally rang indicating the end of school. Eun-Jung grabbed her books and started making her way out of class.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." She quickly waved at the two boys who were still gathering their things.

She made her way towards her locker to find two familiar figures leaning close by. She rushed to place her things in her locker when she felt someone blocking her vision. The familiar gesture only made a warm smile spread across her lips. The familiar touch caused warmth to spread over her body.

"I know it's you, Chan." She placed her own hands over his and removed them from her eyes to regain her vision, before she turned around and pecked his lips. Chans lips curled upward into a sheepish smile. His adorable dimples causing her to melt in bliss.

"Hey Eun-Jung." Felix greeted, coming to stand next to Chan.

"Hi." Eun-Jung greeted averting her gaze away from Chan to look at the adorable freckled boy.

Eun-Jung and Felix had been close for two years. Whilst Chan and Eun-Jung used to be friends until a few months ago when they both started dating. Felix and Chan were in the same year as Eun-Jung but had different classes during their current year.

"So are we still planning on meeting up tonight?" Chan asked as the trio made their way out of the school building.

"Of course we are." Eun-Jung confirmed before she saw her mother's car pull up. She pecked Chan's lips and englufed Felix in a hug before rushing off.

"How was school, sweetie?" Her mom asked once she sat in the car.

"It was okay I guess." Eun-Jung shrugged giving her a hug. Her mother nodded and started driving.

Eun-Jung watched the familiar buildings pass as she drifted off to her thoughts. The music from the radio becoming a gentle humming background. Her thoughts drifted off to past memories.

"How much longer, Dad?" A 9 years old Eun-Jung whined impatiently as the car drove through the city.

"Just a little bit, cupcake." Her father replied using the nickname he gave her.

"Noooo. I'm tired." The child whined once again. Both her parents chuckled and her mother decided to drive whilst her father  tried to get the whining 9 year old girl to calm down.

"Eun-Jung look up at the clouds and tell me what do you see?"

"That cloud looks like a pony." The little girl excitedly squealed.

"Ooo. And what about that one?" Her father asked once again pointing at the sky. The rest of the drive had gone by like that with her parents exchanging adoring glances. Little had Eun-Jung known that a year later she might not have had the chance to make memories like those.

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