l e x i c o n

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- [ C h i l l a r y ]   imaginary land.

- [  L e h a n  ] —  imaginary land; neighbours with Chillary.

C P A  ]    Chillary Private Agency.

[ F e l i x / F e l i x e s  ] —   Student/s.

- [   D e p a r t m e n t s  ]   —   divisions of CPA faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline.

       +  Magic And Sword-Arts Department:

Department of magical spells faculty, charms and swords faculty, and potions and knowledge faculty.

            • Dress codes/ colour code— Golden/white.

      + Physical Defence Department:

Department of self defence and strategic training. Faculties for self arts and defence counsel.


            • Dress codes/ colour code — Emrald Green.

      + Hackers And Special Agents Department:

Department for computer science, especially dealing with real life ethical hacking and Agentry training.

            • Dress codes/ colour codes: Black.

      + Politics  And Governance Department:

Department consisting faculties relating economics, political science and study of governance.

            • Dress codes/ colour codes: Royal Blue.

•  [   S t u d y   s y s t e m s ] —

1st Years/Subordinates: 2½ years.

2nd Years/Divergents: 2½ years.

3rd Years/Quixotes: 3 years.

Total: 8 years.

•  [   P o t i o n s   ] —


magical flowers which are mostly used as sedatives or charm makings. Responsible for deep and peaceful slumber, if left uncared throughout the night, with their addicting odor.

oppose: avocado juice.

+ Gypsum-nies:

Gypsum-nies has special abilities to absorb odor. They are found at greater heights and makes a wailing sound when danced with the winds.

oppose: none.

i will keep on adding if needed!

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