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Megan sat in the bathroom and groaned as she sat throwing up.

She knew that she was pregnant and she knew it was early day and she knew that she was scared and she didn't know what she was going to do but she knew it scared her as she knew it was only so long before her family found out and she knew what they were like with jack and how they didn't like him and Megan knew just how toxic that she and Jack could be and she knew it scared her but she knew that she loved jack and how she was excited for her baby and excited to have a family with jack

she knew that she wanted to make it work and she knew it was scary but she did know how she was going to make it work without being so toxic around her baby but she knew that she wanted to and she knew that it was the best thing to do. Megan groaned as she walked out of the bathroom and saw Kat who looked to her

"your pregnant" Kat said as Megan looked to her and frowned knowing how Kat felt over jack

"yes I am and I am happy so don't start not when it comes to jack I am not in the mood" Megan said
Megan walked into the club and smiled as she saw jack and smiled as she walked over to him

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I guess it's just things are a mess and I don't know what to do I mean the last thing I want is for us to be under any tension but I do want to make us work my mum knows I am pregnant and I know her and i just know how she is going to react and I am scared and all I want is for us to be happy" Megan said as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand oh her cheek and smiled as he looked to her and smiled

"I know that your scared but you don't need to be, look we didn't plan this baby but it's okay I mean we won't love this baby any less and we won't do anything to risk this baby to cause it any upset and danger as we know that after all we have been through that we will love it no matter what" he said as she looked to him and smirked as he leant in and kissed Him as jack grabbed her waist and pulled her close as he kissed her back knowing how complicated it was with them

Megan stood in the office and frowned as she waled out. She saw jack as her stood with Ronnie and looked to him and frowned.

She knew that they had history and she didn't like the history of it, she knew they had something and it scared her and she didn't know what to do but with her and jack having a baby together could she control her jealousy knowing just how toxic that she and Jack could he together and knowing just how complicated it was

Toxic love *Eastenders*Where stories live. Discover now