Chapter 10... Forgotten past 1

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Year 208, Region- torrent
outskirts of torrent kindgom

On the outskirts of torrent kingdom, one could easily find hundreds of small and large villages. Though these villages were small, they were not insignificant. Administrated by the boron of the area, these villages provides magnitude of benefits in terms of resources.

In one of such small village, once lived an ambitious young lad. To change the world for the better was his ambition. However, it's situation dwarfs his ambition. He still needs to work his hardest to feed himself.

Sitting on a rock at the outskirts of the village while watching the clouds, he contemplated his life. The young lad has silvery-white hair and crimson red eyes. His snowy-white skin colour complemented by his sharp jaw. He was handsome, infamously so.

 He was handsome, infamously so

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Suddenly a voice called him out from behind.

"Oi, Satoshi, what are you doing out here?!?!"

The young lad turned towards the source of the call.

"Nothing. Just thinking, Crome" Satoshi replied blankly.


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"Well, then quit thinking." Chrome sighed "Lets go. The chief is asking for us" Urging Satoshi to get up from the rock, Crome dragged Satoshi towards the village.


Year 208, Region- torrent
Location- Anderson household

The rays of sun decent from the window in a large bedroom. As the rays fall on the bed a figure begins to stir while rubbing her eyes from forest assault from the sun. On the bed was a young girl of noble birth. She was long honey blond hair. A fair complexion with cerulean eyes

 A fair complexion with cerulean eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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