Chapter 3: JW&WEF

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           "Welcome to your new "home"," one of the hooded men said as they pulled into an abandoned parking lot. Rachel gazed in awe at the gigantic building that towered in front of her. It looked like it used to be an old factory because the smoke stacks were still standing. Rachel had no idea where they were. She remembered them blind folding her after they had gotten the tire fixed. They obviously weren't smart because Rachel just used her, new found, power of mind control to slip the blind fold off.

                They pulled into a small parking space and got out. Rachel walked in between the two of them towards her new "home" as they liked to call it. It was drizzling outside which blurred Rachel's sight a little. There was a sign on the door that read "No Trespassing Government Property Violators Will Be Prosecuted. One of the hooded men knocked on the door twice. A slot right above the sign slid open.

                "Identification Number, please," a raspy voice choked.

                "597324," the hooded man said. The slot slid shut and the door creaked open.  "Don't even try to escape they have guards swarming the grounds."

                "Like I would ever want to leave this enjoyable place," Rachel said rolling her eyes. They walked up a corridor like Rachel had saw in her vision. Also like in her vision were the cages on either side of the walls holding young witches and wizards like herself. In one cage was a boy about her age lying limply with his eyes closed. He wasn't breathing.

                "Is he dead?" Rachel said terrified.

                "What do you think? This is why you come here, we destroy you. It looks like his cause of death was poisoning, one of the more peaceful types," the hooded man replied. A tear ran down Rachel's cheek. The hooded man looked down at a card he had. "Well this looks like your cage."

                The cage was about the size of a refrigerator. Rachel's was beside what looked like a small girl about 12 and a teenage boy about Rachel's age. Rachel stepped in and the hooded man slammed the door shut and walked off, his friend right beside him.

                "So how'd they find you," the teenage boy asked Rachel. He had dark brown eyes and straight midnight black hair that brushed his shoulders. He had a black tank top on that showed every muscle on his torso. He wore dark jeans with converse shoes.

                "Well, I honestly didn't know I was a witch until, well until today," Rachel replied.

                "You didn't know you were a witch! I've known since I was a kid, my parents were one of the first to be killed when all this happened so I lived with my uncle until they found me," he replied an empty look on his face.

                "Oh, I'm terribly sorry for your loss," Rachel replied "what's your name?"

                "Lucas, Lucas Gringyle," Lucas replied.

                "What a fascinating name, mine's Rachel Lovett," Rachel replied.

                "Well it's been a pleasure to meet you, Rachel, you're awfully beautiful," Lucas said, a smile crossing his face. Rachel winced, that's what Jay always said to her. She wondered if he were all right.

                "Thank you," Rachel replied, a tear built up in the corner of her eye.

                "There is a way out, you do know that?" Lucas said feeling her pain.

                "How, the hooded man said that there are guards swarming the grounds," Rachel replied.

                "The Resistance, it's like an alliance of wizards, I've heard that Harry Potter himself is on alliance," Lucas replied obviously staring into another world. Rachel had no idea who this boy was, but something internal pulled her to him. She, for once in her life felt whole. As bad as it sounds she actually wanted to spend the rest of her life with this boy.

                "Yeah but do they actually ever "save" anyone?" Rachel asked.

                "Of course, just last week five witches and four wizards escaped," Lucas replied now getting excited.

                "I'm so tired, how do you sleep in these things?" Rachel asked.

                "Well you just curl up, like this," Lucas said getting down on the ground and curling up into a ball. Soon his eyes went shut. Rachel got down on the floor too and curled up thinking about all the horrible things that went down today. It was her last summer in Florida and she would be spending it in this stupid "jail house". She didn't know if she would ever see her mom or dad again, but on the other hand she didn't want to leave, she felt that she was attached to Lucas now. She closed her eyes which were filled with tears. Then the pain came back, as if she were being stabbed in the temple.

                She was in a room filled with people. They were all whispering back and forth.

                "Tomorrow we shall attack the Juvenile Wizards & Witches Extermination Facility and save as many as we can," a boy about four or five years older than she was said. He had dark black hair, a scar shaped like a lightning bolt on his forehead, and round black glasses.

                "Harry, don't you think that's just a little impossible," replied a girl with brown wavy hair.

                "Hermione, nothing is impossible for Harry," replied a boy with red hair.

                "So true, Ron, I did defeat Lord Voldemort, did I not?" Harry replied.

                "So tomorrow it's set, we free as many prisoners as we can, then we train them," said Hermione pulling out a stick. Rachel thought. She realized that it was a wand. Everyone followed Hermione, they all put their wands together which lit up the room with an ominous glow.

                "To The Resistance!" Ron shouted as they each pointed their wands into the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2011 ⏰

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