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To all the victims of bullying: We love you. It may seem like the world is completely against you, but there are those who can and WILL stand up for you. People think that only physical bullying can hurt you, but all bullying can make people feel horrible.

So many of us around you get bullied, and it seems like no one notices. So many of us cry ourselves to sleep every night. So many of us think about self-harm and suicide every day. And when we try to express our feelings, we get called "weak", "stupid", "freak" and so many more demeaning names. We are people too!

I have been bullied before, and people around me either didn't notice, or laughed at me. I have been called "fat", "stupid", "weirdo", and I know that quite a few people that don't say it to my face, say it behind my back. I have had my music, clothing, hair style and so much more hated by the people I call my "friends". I cry myself to sleep almost every night, and my family often don't even notice. But I've finally decided to take a stand against bullies, not only for myself, but for everyone else that has ever been bullied.

Why should we be bullied? We haven't done anything wrong! We all need to stop the bullies. If you see anyone being bullied, whether it's online or real life, help them out. Show them they aren't alone in this battle.

If you really care, my dear followers, you will write how feel about bullying, just as I have.


And of course, you, the reader! Please write up your experiences and STAND UP FOR OTHERS!!

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