How It's Written In The First Place

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-- How dialogue is written --

Ok, this chapter goes to every fandom in general, not just mha, but basically when dialogue is written like this:

Deku: Hi i'm Deku

It just looks like a script for a movie or something rather than an actual fanfic and I find it annoying. I can't really explain it.

Also when dialogue is written like this:

"Hi i'm Deku"

"Hi, Deku"

"How are you?"

"I'm good"

This looks very confusing, especially if there are multiple characters in the scene. We wouldn't know who said what, and it just complicates things. If it was with only one or two sentences once in a while, I'd accept it.

Also when you use Emoji's instead of names.

Here's an example:

🥦: Hi i'm Deku

💊: Hi, Deku!

This also looks confusing. If it's for Texts, group chats, YouTube comments, etc. Then sure, go ahead, but if it's for the actual dialogue for the actual story, then please don't do this. It looks unnatural.

Just at least put a little more effort into writing actual dialogue, and not like this.


-- When you add emoji's/expressions --

For some reason whenever I see emoji's/expressions in fanfictions, it triggers me. I don't know why.

If you don't know what an emoji or an expression is, here you go:

An example of an emoji: "🙂"

An example of an expression: ":)"

If it's just for the Author's notes or the description of the story, it's completely fine, but when it's used in the actual scene of the fanfiction, it just doesn't make sense.

You can't just make a character say "🙂" you have to describe what a character's emotions are or what they're currently feeling.

Also, it just looks weird.


-- When the paragraphs are too long --

This is probably one of the most annoying things I find about fanfictions, to the point where I immediately nope the heck out of one if I see very long paragraphs.

The story could be very interesting, sure, but if the sentences aren't separated or if the paragraphs are too long, it just makes a story seem shorter than it actually is.

It also makes it more difficult to read since the sentences are all clustered together in one big paragraph.

Long paragraphs makes it look like a big chunk of mess. I don't like that.


-- When the chapters are too short/long --

If you don't understand, I'll make an example. Let's say a story currently has 14 chapters. Good enough, right? But when you actually read those chapters, you notice there are like 26 words in each chapter.

If you're going to write chapters this way, then what's even the point? That's not how it works.

A chapter is a small part of what happens in a story, or a part of an event or arc, not a part of a freaking conversation.

That just makes it even less interesting, and you have to skim through a bunch of chapters just to continue a small conversation or something.

I once read a fanfic that had 10 chapters and had like 5 sentences in each of them. I got disinterested very quickly and left.

Make sure not to make chapters too long, too. It makes it a little boring and a little more difficult to find a paragraph you're looking for.

In my opinion, I think a chapter should have at least 500 - 5000 words in total. It just makes things easier, man.


-- When there are too many/too little/misleading tags --

Ok, so let me explain. Tags are basically small details that are in a fanfic, for example:

"Bnha" "Angst" etc.

Tags make it easier for readers to find a fanfic they're looking for. If it has too little tags, it would be difficult to actually find it.

Also, make sure you don't add too many tags to the point that it takes 2 hours just to read all of them.

I think you should have at least 10 - 30 tags in a fanfic, unless you can't find any more tags to add in, or there's more that you want to add.

Also, don't make tags misleading, or put unnecessary tags in. If you don't understand, here's an example:

Basically, let's pretend you were looking for an izuocha fanfic, you find one, you check the tags and you see "Izuocha". But when you actually read the fanfic, you instead witness Tododeku fluff or something.

Also, this is for ao3 authors/readers out there, but when the tags are "Deku/Uraraka" it's a ship, but if it's "Deku & Uraraka" then it's not a ship. I've seen too many ao3 fanfics that have this, and it's misleading.


-- When there are too many mistakes --

I often find mistakes like mixing up their/there/they're but once in a while, they're not so bad, especially if the author doesn't have English as their first language (Like me for example)

What annoys me is when I KNOW an author is an American/English-is-their-first-language and they continue to do it and/or screw up with other words.

I'm generally kinda forgiving with this kind of thing since English isn't my first language, but there are other people out there who hate that sort of problem.

All I can say is that at least try to be careful when using complex English words and stuff.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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