An Unexpected Turn of Events

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I was sitting on my bed, snapping photos of me in my elegant bridesmaid dress to post on Instagram when it happened. The Switch.

I was in the middle of writing a caption: I can't believe it's today, sis! I'm so excited to be your bridesmaid, @AvaGardner! when my parents burst into my room, looking totally ticked off. Dad was muttering something under his breath and Mom had a look on her face that I'd never seen before.

Their abrupt bursting-in caused me to drop my phone,  but luckily, my phone screen didn't crack due to the screen protector.

"Mom, Dad, what's up?" I asked, pausing. "Is everything okay?"

I finally looked up when Mom said in a panicky manner, "No, everything is not okay!"

"Wait -- what happened!?!" I asked, totally confused. Why was my mother panicking on the day of my sister's wedding? Was she already missing her daughter?

"Your sister says she can't do this," Dad explained. "She ran off in her heels and veil! Really, this girl!"

"W-well...what're we going to do?" I said nervously.

"You're going to replace her," Dad said, and Mom nodded, sighing, "I guess that would work."

"W-wait, what!?!" I exclaimed, confused and scared. "How could I do that? I'm not Ava Gardner! I'm Eden!"

"Eden Daphne Gardner!" My mother shouted. "We don't have time for this! C'mon, Celia will help you get ready!"

I thought about it for a split second. Although I didn't want to get married to Aiden Hamilton, I couldn't sabotage my family's hard-earned pride! I'd have to do this, for the sake of my family!

"Alright, I'll do it," I said and then added a bit softly, "It's only for our family, though."


So now here I was, in the Notre Dame with 1,000+ guests, wearing a magnificent wedding dress specially designed for me by Alexander McQueen. I didn't seem suspicious, or at least I thought. 

I walked down the aisle and it was now time for the wedding vows

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I walked down the aisle and it was now time for the wedding vows.

Minister Peter Sampson turned to Aiden, "Aiden, do you take Eden" -- he turned to me and then back to him -- "to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God you make this vow?"

"I do," He said clearly.

MInister Sampson turned to me, "Eden, do you take Aiden" -- he turned to him and then back to me -- "to be you husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death you do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God you make this vow?"

"I-I don't" -- everyone stared at me, and I quickly realized my mistake. I chuckled awkwardly and said, "Just kidding! Of course, I do."

"Alright, you may now kiss the bride,"

Holy shit -- I'd totally forgotten about that! What was I to do?

I guess I took a bit too long panicking because Aiden kissed me first. Hadn't this been fake and for our wedding, I would've kissed him deeper -- although he's a great kisser, even if it's all for show.

 Hadn't this been fake and for our wedding, I would've kissed him deeper -- although he's a great kisser, even if it's all for show

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I mean -- this whole marriage is just for show, right?

I mean -- this whole marriage is just for show, right?

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