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"Get the hell outta here!" *A male voice shouted and pointed his finger at the door. He was obviously pissed and was sitting in his office chair. The female got up and instandly left the casino*
>what did i do wrong<*she asked herself in her mind, clearly not knowing why she just got fired. She often got yelled at her boss but this time it was clear he didn't wanted her anymore. She got her umbrella out and walked down the dark streets while it was raining heavily. >how great... Now I need a new job... How am I going to explain it to Stella and the small ones ...< *she thought and had a worried look on her face. She obviously didn't have any kids no, she was too young for that. Tho she was living alone with her 3 sister because her dad left them and she had new clue about her mother. She was also still going to college and managing all that was already a lot of work but she wasn't going to ask if she could have her job back at the casino.* >God... I'll explain it to them somehow... I should more focus on at least getting a better job... And make sure that they also take me... And I even have to learn for all my tests... < *She let out a groan and got out her keys after she reached the house. She went Inside and ruffled through her short black hair to dry it up a bit and put the umbrella in the corner of the hallway and looked around. Everything was dark. Obviously since it was 9pm,bedtime. She got off her coat too and processed to walk to the living room until a small 7 year old girl jumped on her, shouting her name In a happy voice* "Len! You're back!" *the small girl smiled, hugging her sister tightly and wrapped her arms around her waist, almost making Len fall back. Len let out a chuckle in surprise and patted her through her hair with a small smile, still being a little wet from the heavy raining storm outside, the umbrella was useless at that point since she was wet as if she didn't even had an umbrella with her at that time. "hey there Emma... Why are you still up that late? Aren't you supposed to sleep?" *she raised an eyebrow and picked her up.* "I couldn't sleep because Melly was crying all the time! Stella is still trying to calm her down..." *she hugged Len more and closed an eye and was obviously still tired. Len decided to walk upstairs and brought her to her room and put her on the bed and covered her in the blanket*" I'll look after them. But you gotta promise that you'll sleep now okay?" *she patted her over her head and was ready to leave to room* "okay I promise! Good nighty!" *Emma let out a giggle and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep but she soon did fall asleep herself and Len shut the lights and closed the door and went to Stella's room, her two year younger sister. She knocked on the door gently and entered the room and saw her sitting on the bed with a tired look, holding the youngest of her siblings, Melly. Len sighed and got Melly into her own arms, she wasn't sleeping and yet still crying so Len already figured she might be hungry* "go to sleep Stella... I'll look after her" *Len bend down to Stella and kissed her forhead and gave her a soft smile and went out of the room and shut the lights as well and then went to the kitchen and got some fresh milk out of the fridge and poured it in a baby bottle and then put it in the microwave to heat it up and gave it to Melly. Melly was 3 years old now but still much more like a baby. Len didn't mind I mean why should she? She couldn't do anything about it and after all it was only getting exhausting at night time when Melly refused to sleep. She went back to Emma's room and opens the door carefully and put Melly into her bed, next to Emma's and then left to room once again and walked to the living room and sat on the couch exhausted. "now I only gotta find a new job... And also learn for the tests.." *she got a few papers which she should have done in school, exercises for the tests to be done. She started reading and writing a bit and noticed it was already 11pm. "already that late huh..?" *she sighs but kept doing the exercises. She never got enough sleep so she didn't mind getting less sleep this time too. She quickly went to get a cup of coffee and took a sip and felt a bit more awake and kept doing her work.* >This is exhausting.. < *she thought and put the papers down after another 2 hours. She got her phone out and looked at the time again and a few text messages from her best friends. She hated to ignore them but she was just too tired to read them so she leaned back and got the papers once again and was writing and also got a few of her books to learn more. >I just hope I get a better payed job soon... And a quiet one... Maybe I'll ask phoebe or valentina tomorrow... Or Amy...< *she thought again and slowly started dozing off and then fell asleep with the book and papers on her face*

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