Story 55: My Dearest Author

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My dearest authorBy einfach_Eileen

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My dearest author
By einfach_Eileen

Have read this book long time ago and habe to say that the writer here delivera quite good and comfitting books for our ship. The story and the plot is interestung which would not make you leave the book anywhere in the middle.

Thw words used are simple and easy plot provides a smooth flow to the story. All in all a good book that can be read for a sweet simole story. The plot is nothing that cannot be real. The story contains right amount of romance, angst, distance and everything. So it a definetely a recommended one.

The plot is as follows

The book below has been mentioned in this book which is really a good read

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The book below has been mentioned in this book which is really a good read. Its short and simple. My next suggestion would be this only.

 My next suggestion would be this only

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