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The smell of smoke consumes me. I sit up in a daze, wiping my dirty hands on my trouser legs, looking around to see where that vile smell is coming from. It's pitch black and the only light I have is coming from a flickering street lamp across the street. Underneath it a little dark blue car sits. Something isn't right, I think. I get up in a hurry, being careful not to fall back down as my head starts to pound and my legs feel weak at the knees. I make my way over to the vehicle and as I get closer I notice that the lamp post had been crashed in to and the drivers side of the car was all messed up. Smoke from the exhaust fills the air and I start to panic. "Hello?" I shout, "hello can you hear me? I'm going to get you out!" Nobody answers. I try to pull the car door open but it's locked from the inside. I need to act fast as whoever is in there is clearly hurt and the fumes are beginning to fill my body. You're not dying today... not on my watch. I smash the partly already broken glass window, pulling at whoever is inside. Why can't I feel anything? Did the person get out?  The smoke is blocking my vision as I once more try to reach inside and yank out whoever is stuck in there but again I'm not touching a soul. I wipe my eyes on my jacket and manage to unlock the car door, pulling it open I gasp in surprise as a body falls out the car on to the ground below. That's... that's me! 

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