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Om Gan Ganapataye nama||


There was no colour, no pigment, no beginning, no end. Until She adorn herself with her creation.........what was created from the dust that had Remained. Once she emerges as that divine and Cosmic energy, then She shall adorn herself.

Meaning: only an existing being can adorn herself with Jewelry. Hence when it's known that Mata Mahakali is the embodiment of timeless void and divine Energy, then she'll generate the universe again. She shall adorn her face with the heat of the sun, but hold the coolness of the moon. Her skin will look like a dark sky lit with stars and nebulae, while her matted hair flow to her knees.

She'll be known as Jagan Mata  and Jagdambe because all planets and realms lie in her  golden womb. Also she's the timeless, as she's beyond all That Is.

Her mund maala around her neck symbolizes the cycle of life and death. It also reflects one's true Karma..

Mahakali, is both nurturing and fierce. She's like the flame, which can give light and warmth to many, and can burn all impurities and filth.


Attaining her nurturing nature.
(The next chapter will describe it).
but we must ask how to attain it.
Look at nature. A plant don't have to be worthy to get the nourishment from the Sun and rain. It is only placed on the Earth. Same goes for animals.

Once we are born on this earth, we're worthy of Mata's love. Yet humbleness is the key. A plant doesn't try to strangle other plants or claim to be the best.

As the plant must become ready to grow, and a baby bird must become ready to fly, we must ready ourselves to attain love from Jagan Mata.

One is both a yogi and a yatri. We search and search, looking for Jagan Mata (yatri/ on the move), and we sit in meditation, finding our Aradhya within us.

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