Chapter I

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"Who's the loneliest of all?"

Weiss Schnee had written that song herself. She had lots of talent when it came to music. Of course her father took advantage of her talents, and any enjoyment she had in music slowly began to fade away.

And, in her growing disinterest in music, she'd found a new talent. She was exceptional at combat. Finding this talent had given her a perfect idea for a career path: Huntress. As the heir to the Schnee Dust Company, she could finally redeem her family name through this new talent.

But, even with her training, her father continued pushing her "passion" for music. She had written the song Mirror Mirror herself, in hopes that her father would listen to those lyrics, and discover their true meaning. She felt foolish forever believing he would ever think about lyrics such as hers.

But Ruby did.

Weiss never expected Ruby Rose, of all people, to discover meaning in lyrics such as the ones she had written for Mirror Mirror. When they met, she was just a child. She had been too young for Beacon, and Weiss had been well aware of that. But the more she had gotten to know the young Huntress, the more she had grown fond of her.

And then, she sang Mirror Mirror for her. And, somehow, Ruby had understood the meaning. Maybe it was everything Weiss had told her about her life at home? Maybe she was smart enough to figure out the lyrics herself? Either way, she understood the meaning, and she had comforted her.

Weiss had made too many friends in Beacon. For the first time in her life, she felt like she had made a family. A family who were always there for her. Of course, she had Winter and Klein, but there was something about Ruby, Blake, Yang, and every other friend she'd made at Beacon were much more like family to her than anyone back at her real home.

So, of course she felt upset when the first year ended, and she had to return to her home in Atlas. She remembered seeing her father again, and growing more enraged by standing in front of him than she had before. Her friends had changed her, and she understood more than ever how twisted her family was.

Weiss sighed as she thought of her old friends. She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing her usual white strapless dress and bell-sleeved bolero, the long ponytail trailing down the right-hand side of her snow-white hair, and the barely visible scar running down her right eye.

She sighed, looking down at her dresser to see her scroll. She was supposed to be heading off for a show to sing to a crowd. But, with her friends on her mind, she wasn't interested. She knew her father would scold her for this, but as she looked to her scroll, she didn't think she cared.

She heard a knock at the door.

"Ms. Schnee?" Klein's voice came from the other side. "Your father is ready to see you now."

Weiss sighed, looking at the door. She took a step to make her way to the door, but came to a stop. She turned around to look at her scroll.

Did she really have to go to that show? She could have a genuine conversation with Ruby, for the first time since she'd left. It wasn't like she cared about anyone in the crowd. Some were there for her singing skills, but she knew the majority didn't care about her talent. It always came down to either her looks, or her money.

That was all anyone ever talked about when it came to. They were either greedy, or perverted.

"Klein," she said, "tell father I'm not coming. And if he gets angry with you... tell him it was all my idea."

With that, Weiss spun back around, approaching her dresser to pick up her scroll. She felt a smile form on her lips as she dialed Ruby's number.

She waited a moment, as she heard the beeping of the call processing.

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