The Fine Line Between Blood.

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(2nd Edit)


"So how are Aunt Nancy and Uncle Anthony doing? How's Danny and Simone?" I asked interestedly as I walked through the gardens with Xavier, my arm linked through his.
"They're all doing just fine. Mom and Dad are busily running the family business, Danny and Simone are still very much in love and all is well back home," Xavier said.

Simone was Xavier's sister and Danny was her husband. They lived in Portugal with the rest of my family on my mother's side. Every summer vacation Mom, Dad, Andriana, Andrès and I would travel to Portugal to see them for a month.

Uncle Anthony was close with my mother since she was his only sister. But my father and him never saw eye to eye. Even if it was a simple everyday thing they'd always disagree and their constant indifferences would usually cause conflict.

My mother never liked them to fight and tried to mediate, to keep the peace, but my father always told her that her place was in the kitchen, disciplining the children and being a dutiful wife. It angered me to see my mother being humiliated and I wished with all my heart she was strong enough to stand up to my father.

"Oh look, your presents are here," Xavier tapped me on my arm and I looked towards the front door where several men were seen carrying an assortment of bags and gift wrapped boxes, both big and small.

"Isso era tão desnecessário Xavier, qual a necessidade de comprar tantas coisas?" I asked with a groan.
(This was so unnecessary Xavier, what was the need to buy so many things?)

"Você é minha prima Jasmine, eu te amo. Não posso comprar presentes para o seu aniversário que inconvenientemente perdi?" he asked playfully pecking my cheek, making me roll my eyes.
(You are my cousin Jasmine, I love you. Can't I buy presents for your birthday that I inconveniently missed?)

Not saying anything more, we walked towards the mansion. All my presents were methodically arranged on the coffee table. Valentino, Damen, Sabrina and everyone who was in the conference room was there, sitting on the couches waiting for me.

"Have a seat and open your presents. And if I hear you complain one more time I'm leaving and never coming back," Xavier threatened as he took his seat on an armchair.

"Você não pode ir embora, mesmo que queira. Valentino e Damen ainda não terminaram o encontro," I said laughingly. 
(You can't leave even if you wanted to. Valentino and Damen aren't through with their meeting yet)

"I didn't know you could speak Portuguese Jasmine," Sabrina smiled. "You never said a word in Portuguese to me before."
"That's because the only ones in the family who speak Portuguese are the ones on Aunt Rebecca's side of the family, and of course Jasmine," Xavier explained. "Andriana and Andrès never picked it up unfortunately."

"And it wasn't in her file either. According to what I read, she only speaks Spanish," Valentino mused.
Hearing this, my smile disappeared. Valentino kept a file on me?

"You've been stalking me Valentino?" I asked lowly.
Apparently now realizing what he just said, Valentino groaned and pinched the bridge between his nose. "I wasn't sure about you at first so I wanted to do a background analysis to confirm what you said before."

"So those questions you asked about me last night, you already knew the answers?" I turned to look at him, my eyes narrowed.
"Not all of them," he admitted. "But I know that's no excuse."
"No it isn't, but considering the history you share with my father and how he betrayed you, I suppose I can...move past it."

"Thank you sweetheart. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he asked. "Anything you want. Ask for it, and it's yours."
"Anything at all? All I need to do is ask?" I asked dubiously.
"Are you seriously giving her that choice? God knows what she'll make us do with that power you just gave her," Damen groaned.

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