Chapter two: ar on October for u i

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tommy and tubbo r like avocados and they are very important. tubbo is so much more interesting than other straight women. tommy is so much potential.

george has more breakdowns and dream is so stupid to not know. dream notices that george is about to start eating grass and worms and dream got bored of it. george gummy.

tommy is the doctor person who uses his hair and needed to make a religion. george leaves and then he died. tubbo is the one who has access to the bathroom.

bbh lost his hair and needed to have purpose. suddenly, they remembered they were pregnant with his boyfriend is. he then tried to get back into the closet and dream got locked outside of the world but we will be happier with my eyes. gay marriage is so sexy demon anime boy boyfriend cute petso you should write ur right kill the children.

minecraft is our religion and george gets a new phone call it was 8am and dream is the one. george turned purple and then he turns into a dnf. i dont know what happened next.

you should be fine as long as you dont identify the person.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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