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reminiscently - rem·i·nis·cent·ly - /ˌreməˈnis(ə)ntlē/

1. tending to remind one of something in a way

2. in a way that resembles something

3. (of a person or their manner) in a manner of absorption in memories

Odessa was having a bad night. Actually, she was having a bad two months. Ever since Joham showed up during her stay in the United States and tried to take her back, she has been paranoid and scared of everything that made noise. She was several miles away from him and an entire ocean separated the two of them, yet she couldn't help but feel like he was still around the corner. On top of that, the selection of humans to drink from was small, leaving her to pick from older humans. It wasn't terrible to drink from older humans, but they usually had less blood in them, and their blood tasted a bit stale, like it had been sitting for too long. She was frustrated as she was hungrier than she'd ever been before; she had waited to feed on humans for some time so as to avoid suspicion and the chance of Joham catching on to her whereabouts. So, she decided to feed on an older gentleman and be done with it. She waited until he was isolated to sink her teeth into his jugular and rink him dry.

Half way through, Odessa caught the scent of a full-fledged vampire. She stiffened and began drinking with a fervor in hopes of finishing and vacating the area before the vampire caught up to her. Unfortunately, the vampire thought now was the right time to jump down from a roof and introduce herself in the middle of Odessa's feeding session. Odessa finished off the old man right as the blonde took a step towards her. She growled in warning and stepped back, dragging the body with her. The blonde held her hands up in front of her and smiled mischievously.

"I mean no harm," the blonde said with a bit of an accent.

"And I'm supposed to just believe you?" Odessa asked incredulously. She scoffed and dropped the body to the ground. She stepped over it and let her arms hang loosely by her sides in case they were needed quickly.

"I will give you my name, then, as a way to show you I am sincere," the vampire said. The replacement of letters and slight elongation of words indicated the blonde hailed originally from a Slavic country. "I am Vera. I have been traveling for some time and haven't come across any of our kind in weeks. I stumbled upon you by pure luck. You are?"

"Not interested," Odessa retorted quickly.

"Surely you would not mind a conversation."

"I do mind," Odessa said as she started to walk off.

"Please," the blonde quickly said. "I have not had a good conversation in quite some time. Humans tend to lack thought when in the presence of beings such as ourselves."

"And I am supposed to care?" Odessa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A bit of sympathy would be nice," the blonde said with a small laugh. "Humans are such feeble creatures. They often look for acceptance and people who will agree with them on anything they say. It is quite humorous learning the things they would do to please others."

"And it is quite humorous to hear another vampire's take on human life," Odessa said with a scoff. The blonde - Vera - grabbed her and tried to turn her around and make her stay, but Odessa wanted none of it. She grabbed her essence and told her to stay before she turned and ran away from the blonde. Thankfully, she did not follow. She ran in circles before she finally headed home, hoping that she had lost the blonde. A few hours later, as the sun peaked its head upon the horizon, a knock startled Odessa out of a daydream. She stiffened and took a whiff of her surroundings. She growled in annoyance and yanked the door open, narrowing her eyes at the smirking blonde on her doorstep.

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