Chapter 33

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The second car boys arrived first in the dormitory awhile ago.

"Hyung, I will take a shower so I can be fresh later while eating."Tao said.

"Hmmm.. Taooooooo~ Come here, you will help D.O to cook, don't make excuses."Kris said to Tao while pulling him.

"Haha. Kris,you are really genius." Lay said.

"I know right.So I'll gonna take shower and cook the rice after." Kris answered.

"Hyung !!!!!!!"Tao shouted cryingly.

"Tao,come here...Come here and let's cook now."Chen said smilingly.

"Kai, what are you doing? Don't tell me your taking a nap now in there." Lay asked Kai.

"Hm? hmmuihnhuinooo, Im just resting."Kai said while closing his eyes pretending that he is not taking a nap.

"Yah!!!!! Go to your room and shower. So you won't be sleepy." Lay instructed Kai.

"Yes hyung. But .. by the way, have you heard about the girls ?" Kai asked.

"Nope. I think they are still busy packing their things" Lay answered.

"What ! Its been how many hours and they are not yet finish. I think they already transferred." D.O said sadly.

"Why do you look sad hyung? Do you miss Clara ? kkkk" Tao annoying D.O.

"Yah! We are just friends. Don't think something else."D.O answered.

"That's where everything starts." Chen said teasing D.O

"Same like yours?" Tao and D.O shouted.

"............" Chen didn't answer.

"Hahaha Gotcha ! Well, I will be taking a shower too. Won't you come lay hyung??" Kai said seductively.

"Aah Jinjja , pervert ! I'll report this to Jenny." Lay said while laughing.

"No hyung!" Kai shouted.

"We are here!!!!!!" The other 6 boys shouted.

The boys are now complete and starting to cook for their dinner.

"Channie, ask Ms.Semi what is their room so we can visit."Baekhyun said to chanyeol.

"Nope. I'm shy." Chanyeol spoke.

"Please Channie.. I will do whatever you want just ask her."Baekhyun said.

"Baekhyun, are you really missing Tiarra right now.?" Kris said while fixing his hair.

"I guess not just miss but Super Mega Duper Ultra miss." Baekhyun answered.

"Have you told her about your feelings?" Suho asked.

" 0..0 " Baekhyun's reaction.

Baekhyun's POV

I was stucked when Suho asked that. I haven't told her my feelong, what if she has someone right now. What if she doesn't like me and has a boyfriend? Should I tell her now, but how. Its been awhile since my feelings towards her grew. I can't help it but this is what my heart feels. I need to te this as soon as I can. I don't wan't to keep this feeling. I ..............

"Oh! What is that noise about? Is there a party at the next dorm?" Baekhyun asked.

"I guess they are new since we never heard anyone in there for a few months. Wait... there are new people on the next dorm????" Suho said.

"Are they MS.SEMI and the GIRLS?!!!!!!!" they all shouted.

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