Chapter Two

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I sat on my full sized bed with books scattered across it while they hovered over me as well. There was so much to read I didn't know where to start. I was starting college in a few months with English and business as my major. Writing was all I have ever known, but making money from it was something I knew would be hard. So I wanted to read and write as much as I could before I started. I wanted to get ready and I was excited but nervous that I got into the university I picked.

"Remi, I need your help!" My mom yelled from across the house.

I loved my mom, but it was hard living with her just like living with every parent at an older age. We were also poor, and I had to work my ass off 5 days to week to help keep this small house running. My mom was disabled so she couldn't work. She broke her back in a car wreck a few years back so she hasn't really worked ever since. I love my mom to death, but I had to get out. I didn't want to struggle about money anymore and I didn't want her to have to worry as well. But it has always been like this. We have always struggled with money since my dad left when I was 9, and I finally wanted to make things different. I needed stability. Through these struggles, books and my imagination were the only things that helped me.

After helping my mother in the kitchen- I went back to my cluttered bed. I laid there on a couple of books with a pencil in my mouth thinking of what I wanted to write next. Though all I could thinking about was him. His voice, eyes and the feeling I got when he sat with me. Henry.

I sat up quickly and looked at my phone. It was Sunday but already 8pm. I didn't go because if that was his girlfriend I didn't want any part of that. I stayed away from drama at any chance I got, but for some reason I craved it right now.
I then immediately got up and looked in the mirror. My short blonde hair was a complete mess so I brushed it real quick and rushed out my door. I didn't quite know what I was doing, but I just went with it. "Bye mom, I'll be back!" I yelled and walked out the door.

I looked at the small coffee shop downtown through my car window while it was pouring down rain again. Apartments sat on top of the cute cafe that was on a strip of restaurants which were already closed. I was hesitant to even get out of the car. I didn't even know if it was open or not. Like I said- I had no idea what I was doing, but I had this aching feeling that I wanted to see him again.

I ran to the door and luckily the vacant shop was open. I ordered the same coffee and sat in my same corner. I guess I wasn't paying much attention and when my gaze looked towards the other corner of the room- there sat a man with a book in front of his face. His black jeans with his worn out converse rested on the chair in front of him.

My heart stopped as I figured it was him. I grabbed my phone and acted as if I was looking at something on it. How was he even here? And how would I even have the thought he would be here and I'd see him again? I was confused and nervous. My hair was wet and I'm sure I looked a mess.
I got up immediately and preceded towards the door.

"Remi?" His English accent called out- echoing throughout the cafe.

I turned around slowly- running my hands through my hair as I turned and looked at him. He had this charming smile on his face and a look as if he knew I'd be here. "Henry? Oh you're here." I chuckled nervously as if I was oblivious to the situation.

"Come sit with me." He laid his legs down and ushered me to his table.

I walked and sat slowly in the chair- looking down and up at his eyes. "You are kinda late huh?" He smirked- setting down his book and hovering over the table towards me a little more.

"Yeah, look- I just wanted some coffee." I laughed slightly. "And I really don't want any drama." I continued nervously, "and how are you here right now?"

"Drama?" He snickered. "And I'm here all the time. I live up stairs."

Of course he lives up stairs, I thought. And I was also thinking of how bizarre the situation was.

"Of course you do." I laughed nervously.

"Why would there be drama?" He asked in confusion - looking into my eyes as if he had no idea of what I was talking about.

"Your girlfriend?" I exclaimed.

"I don't have a girlfriend. That was my friend. She just gets a little impatient and feisty is all."

I didn't know rather to believe this charming man or not. He always had such a quick reply though he was sure of every word he spoke. I looked deeper into his eyes trying to figure him out just like every other person I did this with. He was hard to figure out though. And as cliche as it sounds he was sort of mysterious in that way. In a way where it drew me in even more. Probably not a good sign.

"Look, I should go. Just wanted some coffee." I lied.

I had this feeling I needed to leave this situation but then a part of me didn't want to. I wanted to get to know him even though I knew it probably wasn't a good idea. He was smooth, handsome and knew how to keep me on my toes.
As I went to stand up and walk away- he grabbed my hand swiftly and softly. "Don't go. Stay. Please Remi?"

I sat down once again and looked at him straight in the eyes more confident now. "What do you want to talk about, Henry?" I asked and he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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