Chapter Ten

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Miles made a grunt of recognition. "Edward. Yes, I've played Scrabble with him before."

Boone laughed. "Is that what y'all are doing for entertainment around Bradley? I'll have to introduce you to some better hangouts. Joe's Bar has a dollar menu on Thursday nights."

Miles's face reflected great concern that Boone might somehow induce him to go to a bar for dollar items.

Myrtle said briskly, "Back to Edward Hammond. I'm confused as to what role he plays in your family. Is he a cousin?"

Boone raised his eyebrows. "He's Nell's beau."

Myrtle and Miles exchanged a look again.

Miles said carefully, "Nell Prentiss?"

Boone said, "Yep! My aunt."

Myrtle frowned. "But your aunt has never married. And I've not heard of her being in a relationship. Besides, Edward has been married for decades."

Boone wagged a finger her way. "Nell might be an old maid, but that doesn't mean that she hasn't had a beau. And Edward was married for decades. They've been separated for a while. Edward has his own place."

Myrtle said slowly, "That's very surprising news. I hadn't heard anything about it."

Boone said, "That's because they've been able to keep it on the down-low." He stood back and grinned at them with the expression of someone who knows they're delivering a bombshell.

Myrtle said, "What makes you think that Edward would kill Nell's sister? That doesn't sound like a very reasonable thing to do if you're trying to get in good with the family."

Boone shrugged. "At that family dinner you're talking about, Edward got pretty upset. He stormed out and Nell left to follow him out. I reckon he didn't want his relationship with Nell to be revealed in Mama's book. Nell is prim and proper. She wouldn't want anything to appear untoward. Although I'm pretty sure that Nell being Nell, there wasn't anything untoward."

"You think her relationship with Edward was in your mother's memoir?" Miles pushed his glasses up farther on his nose and blinked at Boone.

"Sure. She said that she put everything in there and didn't leave anything out. That should include her sister and Edward, too." Now Boone looked uneasy. "I'm not saying he did it, mind you. But I sure can't think of anybody else who would have. He isn't family after all."

Boone now had that restless look about him that Myrtle remembered from when he was in school. It meant that his limited attention span had just about hit its end. She quickly changed tack. "How about if you show me one of your used cars? Then I can take it for a spin. I'll bring it right back, of course."

The tension in Boone's shoulders seemed to relax a little, and he grinned at her. "No worries, Miss Myrtle. I know where you live, remember? You can keep it out the rest of the day or even return it tomorrow if you want. All I want is for you to be happy with whatever car you end up with. Then we can repeat the process a few more times with different vehicles so that you can make sure you've got the best one for you."

Miles was giving Myrtle another one of those sideway looks, but Myrtle studiously ignored him. "That's perfect, Boone. Lead the way."

Just thirty minutes later, Myrtle was driving a bright red sedan out of the dealership. She followed Miles home for Miles to drop off his car. Then Miles reluctantly got into Myrtle's loaner. She backed out of Miles's driveway. Miles grasped the door with white knuckles.

Myrtle gave him a cross look. "I'm an excellent driver, Miles."

"Well, I'm a nervous passenger."

Myrtle said, "Moving on, let's consider what we've found out so far."

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