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So we all know Derek's leaving right? But how is he going to leave? Suddenly, or with a goodbye? I hope a goodbye.


Stiles sat impatiently in the loft, a scowl on his face as he watched Derek move slowly around the room, searching for things to take with him. "You know you don't have to leave right?" Derek looked up at him, his lips a straight line. "I'm as aware as I was the last 18 times you told me Stiles."

Stiles groaned and rubbed the back of his neck, watching as the day light was slowly drifting from the room, leaving a faint gold shimmer on everything. Derek looking as good as ever.

"I don't see why you have to leave." Derek's smile was forced as he looked back at Stiles. "Braeden needs my help." Stiles laughed harshly. "Braeden needs your help? I'm pretty sure she can handle herself. Besides, when was the last time you actually won in a fight Derek? Please, do humour me because I can't remember."

Derek rolled his eyes and turned his back to Stiles, who was growing more irritated by the second. "Look, who cares about the Desert Wolf! I don't, and neither should you-""She's your girlfriend's mother," He spat, turning around with angered blue eyes. "Your life is so infatuated with her I thought you'd be ecstatic to see I'm leaving."

Stiles stared at him, mouth agape. "What? No-" Derek threw up his hands, eyes now a safe green again. "Stiles I don't care. There's nothing for me in Beacon Hills anyway. My remaining family has either left or is clinically insane."

Stiles frowned deeply before standing, edging slowly towards Derek who stepped back instinctively. "You have the pack." Derek scoffed, Stiles then shaking his head and saying softly, "You have me." Derek stared at him for a second, his green eyes wide in confusion. "You've always had me."

"When have I ever left your side? Hmm? Turned away from you, abandoned you?" Stiles' voice begun to rise with emotion. "The amount of times I've saved your ass Derek is ridiculous and embarrassing for you. When will you get it through your thick skull that people actually do love and care for you?!"

Derek just continued staring, Stiles now livid. "I can't lose you as well you asshole! Okay. Not after Issac, Aiden, Ethan, Cora, Allison. Hell even Jackson," Stiles ran his hands over his red face and sighed. "I won't okay? I won't."

There was a deafening silence between the two, Stiles not sure what he was thinking. Derek just stood there, drinking in all of Stiles' words emotionlessly.

Stiles threw up his hands in desperation. "Well. Are you gonna say something?" He hissed, brown eyes glassy as he stared at one of the few people he could say he truly cared about. "After everything that's happened you're just gonna up and leave? For a girl you've just met?"

Still, nothing. No response at all.

Stiles turned around, biting his lip in frustration as he walked towards the door, before hearing a soft voice behind him say, "You did the same to me."

Stiles froze, momentarily paralysed before turning around. "What?" "You heard me." He said, slowly walking up towards Stiles. "You cast away all of us for a girl you've just met. You're no different from me." Stiles opened his mouth to retort, but quickly closed it.

It was true.

"God." He muttered, running his hands through his hair and sitting down on the couch. "Hypocritical much?" Derek sat down on the coffee table in front of him, his body now positioned between Stiles' legs.

"I don't want to leave, but it's the right thing to do." "How?" Stiles asked in confusion. "How is this the right thing to do?" Derek closed his eyes for a second before opening them, an icy blue now staring back at him. "Because I can't stay in this town, knowing that the one person I want - I can't have. And it tears me apart each time I look at him."

Stiles stared at Derek incredulously, his lip beginning to tremble as his words circled his brain. Me. He's talking about me. His breath hitched as he looked back up at Derek, his chest almost caving in on itself when he saw the way Derek was looking at him.

Like nothing else mattered, like there was nothing and no one else in the world other than Stiles.

It was so intense it scared him.

"I-" "You don't need to say anything Stiles," He said quietly, taking his hand in his own. "I know." "Know what?" Derek leaned closer towards him, before gripping his waist and picking him up, Stiles shouting in protest and confusion before he was planted back on his feet in front of the tall windows.

"You've always looked stunning standing here." Derek muttered, before gripping Stiles cheek and closing the gap between their lips, Stiles gasping in confusion, whiskey eyes wide as he processed what was happening. What was happening? He shrugged slightly and closed his eyes, savouring the feel of Derek's lips against his own.

Derek made a soft noise before backing Stiles up against the window, his hands now firmly planted on his waist. The two stood there for a moment, savouring each other's emotions and tastes before pulling away slowly. "I was enjoying that." Stiles said with wide eyes, his cheeks flushed and his hair astray. "That's why I stopped." Derek mumbled, resting his head in the crook of Stiles' neck.

"I don't want you to go." Stiles whispered as he wound his fingers in Derek's hair, tracing patterns mindlessly as they held each other for dear life. "I'll come back." Derek said into his skin, before kissing his collarbone softly.

"When?" Stiles asked desperately, now not ever wanting to say goodbye. "When you need me." Stiles pushed him back and stared deep into his green eyes. "I need you now." Derek shook his head before kissing him slowly on the forehead. "Goodbye Stiles."

Stiles felt his whole body go numb as Derek pulled away and reached for his bag, now heading towards the heavy door of the loft. "Don't say that." Derek stopped. "Say what?" "Goodbye. This isn't a goodbye." Derek turned his head and smiled at him. "Then what is it Stiles?" "A new hello."

Then without another word, Derek turned his back on Stiles and exited the loft.

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