one day, joe hawley brought a boat.
then he said "Hey guys,its me, joe.
Interview tally hall on this boat."then an interviewer said "ok"
all of tallt hall went on the boat.
andrew said "where are going"
then joe said "to the atlantic ocean."
and rob was like "but joe, last time you went the ocean, you made Hawaii: Part II and died"joe was like "hey dont worry about it we are going to have a fun interview"
zubin likes interviews.
after a very long boat ride, they were in the middle of the atlantic ocean.
the interviewer said "Hey there tally hall, i am going to interview you."
and she said to joe "Who are you."
and joe said "I am Joe Hawley and i have nice cheekbones"(pic of joe)
she asked rob and he said "I am
Rob Cantor and i sold my soul to mickey mouse, this is the only day off i get this year." #PISSONMICKEYandrew said "I am Andrew Horowitz and i am a literal god among men"
Ross said "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ITS ROSS! I'm just a drummer."
but then, Zubin said
"My name is Zubin, AND I CAN SWIM!"
zubin jumped off the boat and into the atlantic ocean. but, they were in the middle of the ocean, so the water was very deep.
zubin said "OH NO! I CAN'T SWIM! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"then joe said
joe has drank an entire ocean before, so eating the water would be easy for him, but Zubin did not have this power.
but then, Zubin Sedghi saw A HUGE WAVE RAPIDLY ALROACHING!!!!!!!!
the wave pulled zubin underwater.
this is footage of Zubin's death.
rob cantor said "ZUBIN NOOOOO!!!"
ross said "Joe, cant you just drink the ocean and save Zubin."
joe said "I would, but i dont have my straw with me."
and andrew said OOOOOOH use your tie as a straw JOE HAWLEY"
joe tried and it worked!
he drank the entire Atlantic ocean in 32 secconds, joe was quite thirsty.robert cantor.
they were at the bottom of the ocean.
rob saw zubin and said "ZUBIN ARE YOU ALIVE!!!!!!!!!?????????"
zubin said "I'm fine, i've just got a small cut on my leg."
andrew said wait, how are we going to leave???!???!!!!???"
joe said "I'll just reverse drink the ocean." and he did and the ocean was back.then they saw The Whale and he took Tally Hall back to Michigan.
zubin almost drowns
Diversosthis morning i woke from a nightmare and fell out of bed.