High School reunion

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Kaoru POV
I smiled. It was forced. The woman sat across from me going on and on about the add, the banner every little detail. My assistant was gathering notes as I barely paid attention. The sound of the clock ticking away each second, I had to deal with this dribble.
I agreed to all her stupid insane demands, just to get her away from me. Yet, even that didn’t satisfy her. She had to go over the very art of my work. This after praising me on how perfect it was when she first saw it.  As each excruciating detail was nitpicked out, as every tiny flaw was set right in her eyes, she had completely destroyed the very essence of everything I held dear. I wanted to throttle her. A ding sounded.
“Time for your next appointment.” My assistant’s voice filled the now silent room.
“Thank you, Carla.” I called, standing.  I held my hand out to the woman. She took it. I pulled her to her feet. One hand on her back, I lead her to the exit. “Everything will be ready according to our schedule. You will love every detail.” I promised. She smiled.
“I’m sure I will. You are everything I have heard about you!” She giggled like a school girl, then left. I made sure she was packed away in her car before closing the door.
“Lock the doors, turn off all the lights and change the closed sign.” I instructed my assistant. She did it all in seconds. I headed upstairs. Here I had a spacious apartment.
I flung the tablet I had been doodling in while she blathered on, down on the table. Moving towards the bedroom, I was already taking off my business attire. There were times, like these, that I hated how I had to put on appearances. If I didn’t it would be very bad for business.
I was good at business. Having created my own employment. I built up the tiny company from scratch. Everything was due to my own hard work. There were times when I didn’t think it would ever work out. Now, I saw that it was just another challenge. A challenge I accepted. It made me stronger. Turned me into the person I was today. I was stronger than ever. Would he notice?
Looking in the mirror I noted the little changes time had placed on my body. No longer a vulnerable teen, who needed the strength of his stronger friends to guide him, I stood on my own. My pink hair flowed long around my angular face. It was still youthful and vainly pretty. A fact that helped greatly in my business. I had kept the locks long, always remembering how he had enjoyed playing with them. How, when he was troubled, or had something on his mind, he would braid them together. The art works he created on my head had been spectacular. I was sure he would have done well as a hair stylist.
Times like these, I pondered where he was. Or even if he still was. I didn’t know if he was even still alive. I had to convince myself, that if he wasn’t I would know. Not because of any great bond, but because he would have at least seen to it. I hoped I had meant that much to him.
Moving away, I went into the bathroom. Running the shower, I took my ponytail down. Brushing out the thin silky strands I hmmed softly. He always would hum or sing when he cooked. Was he cooking now? Was he some famous chef? I didn’t know. I hadn’t heard a word from him since the day he told me good bye. His red eyes swam before me. I loved how they would dance when we fought. How even in anger he could smile. That smile always took my breath away.
The water was the perfect temperature, when I stepped into it. It flowed over my body. Slim, petite, I looked more feminine than masculine. A look I had always treasured. I had known from an early age that I had not been attracted to women. I admired them. Their beauty, their grace, the delicate way they lived. I strove to be like them. Maybe that’s why I fought him so much. Because, it seemed, he never wanted that for me. He pulled me into a world meant for men. But he was a man’s man after all.
Big strong, stupid, hot. I loved everything about him. At the same time, I hated everything about him. We fought constantly. Over the years I often thought that maybe it was because of this that he had left. That if I had showed, just once, how much he meant to me, he wouldn’t have abandoned me. Who was to say?
I lathered my hair, catching all the lose strands up in it. The scent of cherry’s filling the small stall.  I used several products to make it lush, and silky. Once done I moved along my body. Although it was well maintained, I wasn’t physically strong. Not like him. My body was lean, delicate, at least to look at. To touch anyone would feel the powerful muscles under the surface. After all, I had to keep up the one thing he had left me. My love of skating.
It was all because of him. Him and his gorilla ways! But I saw the passion he had for it, so, like a fool, I followed him. He dragged me in. I was hooked. Never once did I tell him, that then, I only skated for him. So we could spend time together. What a fool, a child is?
I stepped from the shower after shutting it off. The soft green towel hugged my body, just the way his arms had. It had been rare that he touched me. My body, my mind recalled every one. I had longed for his touch, even when I was with someone else. His was always the best.
It took me thirty minutes to go through my routine. I went out to put on the outfit I had spent months designing, creating, destroying and repairing, for today. Today, I hoped to see him again. Would he look the same? Would he be the same? Would he even remember me at all? A single tear was quickly wiped away. Now wasn’t the time for this.
Once dressed, I picked up the skateboard. “Carla, find me the fastest route to the cherry trees.” I commanded my assistant. Her emotionless voice told me how I needed to go. I placed her on the ground. My feet stepping up on the sleek black deck. We set off to see if I had been forgotten entirely.
Although he had told me three years, I had came here every year. Every year for ten years, once a year on this date. The date of the last time I saw him. The tree was in full bloom, just like it had been then.  I recalled how he had stood beneath it, looking heaven ward. How the sunlight played with his green hair making it look like a sea of leaves. I recalled how his words had crushed me.
How standing right here, he had told me he had always loved me, seconds before leaving my life. I stayed on the board looking up into the branches of the tree. It did nothing for me any more. Once upon time seeing it had filled me with hope. Now I dreaded its appearance. I could only stand being beneath it this one day.
“Hello, Pinky.” The way his deep sexy tones said the phrase always had my heart fluttering. I never told him. I prayed with all my heart to hear those words whispered on the breeze. They never came. Year after year, I stood here, never once did I hear them. I always wondered if he ever thought of me?
Had I known that would have been our last time together, I would have made him take more pictures. As it were I only had one of us alone together from graduation. Only a handful of others to span the years I had known him. Funny, how now thinking back, it has almost been the same amount of time that I have lived without, then when I had him.
I remembered that last day, as I always did standing here. How all the families were gathered around after the ceremony was over. We were official graduates. We had taken my one picture with him, then another with Adam looming between us. That was all I had to remember him by.
He had come to stand here. I had asked him what he had planned. Told him how he was scaring me. It didn’t phase him. He had only told me that Adam had known all along how he had felt about me. That Adam had taken my choice away. That he had loved me. I clutched at my heart as I thought about it now.
“Are you ok, mister?” I turned. A kid stood on a skateboard not far from me. He had a green hoodie with cat ears attached to it. His large emerald eyes watched me with a look of worry. I smiled.
“I’m fine.” I turned towards him. He grinned.
“Good cause I don’t know CPR. My dad does but I don’t know where he got to.”
“Left him behind?” I asked pointing to the board.
“Nah, he’s the best on wheels. I’ve never seen him be beaten!” He chuckled. “Don’t tell him I said that.” He looked concerned.
“Don’t worry, I wont.” I said.
“I like your board.” He stated.
“Carla, say hello to our friend.” I said.
“Hello, friend.” Her voice trailed up from my feet. The kid grinned wider.
“That’s awesome! Did you build her yourself?” He asked swooping down to have a closer look at it.
“In fact, I did.” I stated. He was so pleased with the flashing lights and straight lines.
“That’s so cool.” He chuckled.
“Can you still do tricks on her? I mean without hurting her?” He asked.
“Yes. She has shielding on her undercarriage. It protects from the wear and tear of any tricks a normal board will take damage on.” I informed him. He appeared interested in the specs of the board. We talked for a while.
“I should go find dad. We sat up a meeting spot. Maybe I will see you and Carla around while I’m in town.” He waved before skating away. Cute kid. I thought. Wonder who his dad is. Wait until he meets Adam. The true champion on wheels. I shook my head.
Ten years ago, I had said good bye to him as well. He didn’t take it well. Chased after me. To the point his father saw him on a skateboard. The old man burned his board and told him to leave such childish things behind.
 Adam became twisted after that. Turning the very thing the three of us had created together into his morbid game. He ruled over all the skaters in the area, a pathetic king on a tiny throne.  Maybe if I hadn’t been so hurt by his leaving, I would have been better at ending things with Adam. In part I guess it could be partially my fault the turmoil he spiraled into. Years ago, I had accepted my quilt in that. Yet, Adam hid himself away on his cement tower. I was pulled away from my musings by the return of the squeaky voiced adolescent.
“Just wait until you see his board, dad. It talks and has a name! Carla!” I could hear his cry before I saw him. I turned in the direction I knew he would appear. He came back, his board in one hand, the other held behind him as he gripped the large hand of his father.
The arm was tanned, thick muscled leading up to wide broad shoulders. His jacket was undone, revealing a red t shirt stretched tight over a huge toned chest. That smile curved perfect lips. His red eyes danced with mischief as he grinned at me. Green hair blew in the wind.
“Hello, Pinky.” The sweet sultry voice said as he drew up even with me. It was the same voice that my mind tortured me with. He delivered it, just as he always did. The boy still clinging to his hand.
“D , d, d, dad?” I stammered meeting those eyes. The ones that had haunted my dreams for ten long years.
“Huh, figures you’d know him!” the kid gripped. I felt like kicking him.

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