Blue skies have never been so beautiful

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The cafe was quaint, a small little thing furnished like a well-lived-in cottage and full of books, oh the smell was heavenly! Blue had been coming to it for years and adored the place, it was like a home away from home, and one she desperately needed. Things were never easy at home, and it wasn't like she ever saw the back of a hand, but arguments were frequent and more often than not exploded beyond civilised control. She sighed, her head buried in a mug and the liquid at the bottom rippling with the motion. Why couldn't things ever get easier? A quiet ping from her phone drew Blue's eyes from the chocolate liquid and down to the table. 

Where are you? We've been waiting for ten mins!

Emily, her best friend had arranged a double date, with Blue having the wonderful experience of a blind date, something she hated with a passion. She once again let out a sigh, this time of frustration, and picked up the phone to text back her friend, a reply barely thought out saying her folks kept her in. It always worked, especially because Emily knew how strict her parents were, no they weren't strict, rather they were stubborn and refused to let Blue leave an argument without a resolution whether it be a good one or not. 

Going to grab another mouthful of coffee she pulled a face when little more than a few drops slid down the side of the mug. Already finished and she couldn't technically afford another. Payday was in three days and there was no way her parents would lend her some money for a coffee. Great. 

Blue jumped slightly as another mug was set down on her table. "I didn't-"

"Courtesy of the gentleman over there." The waitress winked at her as she turned back to the counter. Blue turned her gaze over to the table mentioned before and saw someone she hadn't seen before in the cafe. He was looking in her direction but when she caught his gaze, red bloomed up to his ears and he swept his head back to the table. He was sat just in front of the window, as opposed to her corner booth, and if she was being perfectly honest, he was very good looking. She couldn't quite place why, but maybe it was the flash of vulnerability in his eyes as they locked their gaze for that brief second. Then again, the black-hair-and-blue-eyes combo had always been a weak spot for Blue. Maybe she didn't need that blind date with Emily's boyfriend's best buddy or something after all.

She drank the coffee possibly quicker than she ever had before, with a plan in her mind. Blue wasn't the most outgoing person she knew, Emily certainly took that spot, but every now and again she would have sudden and stupid bursts of confidence. This was one of those moments. 

Just before exiting the door, Blue lingered by the table he was sat at, and almost as if he had been waiting for her to come over, he looked up. She stared at his face finally getting a good look, probably a little obnoxiously, but she couldn't help it, he was perfect. All the other boys she'd tried dating or seen strutting down the street had been those 'perfect' boys with flawless skin and straight teeth, all kinds of arrogant. He wasn't any of those, blemishes dotted his skin and, like any normal person, a smile that was a little crooked. He wasn't perfect, but that made him so. 

"I'm Blue." She blurted out, an immediate introduction prompted by a sudden nervous flush. 

He laughed hesitantly, as though not quite sure what to do with himself. "I-" His voice was squeaky so he cleared his throat, a little embarrassed. "I'm Leo." Neither of them said anything, but he lept forward to fill the awkward silence. "Did you, uh- did you enjoy your coffee? It wasn't the wrong kind was it?" He was blushing again. Blue's heart started melting, oh god's this was quick, she was falling in deep for sure. 

"It was good, great even. Thanks." Leo relaxed, evidently tense about the brazen act he did earlier. 

"Do you come here a lot then?" He asked.

Blue nodded. "Yeah, nearly everyday." And with a rush of confidence she said, "In fact, I'll be here tomorrow actually." 

He smiled, properly, and she was bubbling now, and nodded. "I'll be here."


Blue considered that next day to be the first date and from there, things flew. It was almost giddy how far she'd fallen in for Leo, and it went both ways from the way he acted. He would bring her little gifts nearly every date, not expensive, but a short note or a quick sketch, a photo of his favourite place to visit, and everything that he did, she found herself falling deeper and deeper, until Blue realised, she could almost, maybe, perhaps, be in love with him. Even her parents took things well with Leo, a fact she was absolutely terrified of, yet they seemed almost sad for herm like they knew something she didn't. Blue ignored them like she always did. Leo was there for her, and she was there for him, that was all that mattered. 

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and hell if Blue wouldn't fight it. They were moving, about three hours across the country, and it had happened before Blue even knew what was happening. It was all so fast that before she could even put the pieces together, she was already halfway across the country. She told Leo, of course she did, but how long would a long-distance relationship last in reality? They never did. So Blue did what she always did, ignored her parents and put down her head to work harder than she had ever done before. If it took three months or three years Blue would make it work, because they were worth it, because he was worth it, not to mention she dearly missed her friends back from the previous hometown. 

In a time that took far too long in Blue's opinion, she had saved enough money, gathered all the paperwork and replied to all her emails. She was going home. Leo and her had stayed in touch, not as much as she would've liked but it was enough, he had accepted the situation well enough, even if Blue never had completely, so she was hopeful in her action. 

It had taken mere minutes to gather her things, already packed three days before, and usher out of the door, barely waving a farewell to her parents. Now, three hours down the line, the train station she waited at, a worry setting in as she gripped the suitcases tightly, was pouring with rain. Under a bus stop shelter, she managed to keep from getting completely soaked. What if he wouldn't be there? What if she was wrong? No, she couldn't be wrong, not after everything she had done. She was Blue, and she would fight for what she believed in. A determined expression crossed her face, not stony but unmoving for sure. 

By the time another ten minutes had passed, upset leaked into her bones, spilling up to her eyes. No. She couldn't be wrong. She couldn't. Finally, she bowed her head, unable to look at the rain any longer. 


Her breath caught in her throat. She knew that voice. 

"Blue! Over here!" Blue looked up and saw someone running towards her, and her heart lept into her throat. 

"Leo." It was barely a whisper. But now she saw him, newfound energy was in her body and she raised her voice. "Leo! You came!"

He laughed, a beautiful sound she hadn't realised how much she missed, and wrapped her into a tight hug. "Of course, I was more surprised you'd come back here if I was being honest." His words were soft into the side of her neck. her head buried into his neck. 

"I never stopped loving you, why shouldn't I come back?" The look on his face, the pure unbridled happiness, made all this time away worth it. 

She was home.

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