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A few days later, Yaya and ochobot came to his room to check on him if he was alright, but no one replied when they knocked on the door. they think something might happen to boboiboy so they went to boboiboy's room by force and they saw no one in the room, ochobot went to check the bathroom to see if anyone was there but he saw no one again, two of them began to panic, they ran out the room and look for boboiboy everywhere but they didn't found anything so two of them had decided to tell komander and laksamana.

"KOMANDER, LAKSAMANA, BOBOIBOY IS MISSING!!!!!" shout ochobot nervously while Yaya came into the room too." WHAT!," said laksamana loudly." HOW!"komander shout as he starts to feels nervous "W-we don't know, when we get to his room there's no one and we can't found him everywhere." said Yaya." Kokoci quick, call the others and make sure all the exit doors were locked!" said laksamana "ok" said kokoci 

after everyone gathered

"so, is everyone is here," said kokoci "no, where's boboiboy?" ask fang "and that's the reason that I call all of you here, boboiboy is missing, "said laksamana tarung{btw laksamana was in his nice mode}"huh, how," asked Gopal "we don't know, when me and Yaya went to his room, there's no one, I checked his room's bathroom, Yaya checked the training room and the master dance game room {sorry I don't know what's the room name if you know pls tell me in the comments}and there's no one too so we decided to came here and tell komander and laksamana." "enough with the chitchat go find boboiboy,now!!!!" shout kokoci "roger komander.all of them went out to the meeting room and start searching for boboiboy "ish that boboiboy ,did he know that he had brought us enough trouble!"said fang "yarlo,such a troublesome"said gopal "guys i don't think that's nice"said yaya "why he's the one who start ruined our mission" said gopal "haih"sigh ochobot and yaya.they start searching for boboiboy until they've got near the store room."HUH!!!!" shocked all of them "dey , why did boboiboy slept here didn't he had a room" asked gopal while yaya and ochobot tried wake up boboiboy but they failed "what happened to boboiboy" asked yaya worriedly suddenly ochobot had an idea he said "wait,let me just*flew out of the room and went to boboiboy room to get a bag of YAYA COOKIES and flew back to the store room*" "hey isn't that my cookies "said yaya curiously "huh ,yaya cookies!!!"the rest of the gang said while they stay away from ochobot and yaya "yeah,somethings wrong???"asked yaya again "oh,uhm,nothing "said the rest gang with a fake smile "uhm,ochobot what are you doing with my cookies "asked yaya again "oh,uhmmmm........ oh when boboiboy can't wake up I gave him to eat your cookies cuz...umm....cuz....cuz ah cuz your cookies is very delious so boboiboy can wake up on time.....hehe"said ochobot with a fake smile "eh really so can I make more cookies for boboiboy?"said yaya happily "uhm,yeah of course it would be lovely hehe*i'm sorry boboiboy*"said ochobot "ok be serious now let me put the cookies in boboiboy mouth 1.....2......3......4.....5...6......" the rest of the gang was shocked and scared at the same time while yaya is excited and happy "17,eh" "what ochobot"said the gang "boboiboy reaguraly will wake up after eating 17 of yaya cookies and said 'wei,why did you gave me this aw.........*look at yaya* awsome!yeah awsome cookies,hehe, but he didn't,hmm how strange"said ochobot with a thinking pose

*not in the story*

 "wow boboiboy u are one special person" said gopal "yarloh,you had broke our recorded, the most we eat is 4 but u ate 17" said fang "we all will honor you"said ying while all the gang except yaya and ochobot do a respect pose "haish ,  drama queens🙄"said ochobot "yes finaly someone actually like my cookies, "said Yaya * I'm sorry Yaya* thought ochobot


*Back to the story*

"wait,ochobot," said yaya "what" reply ochobot " you can scan boboiboy right"  "yes???" "so if boboiboy's watch is a part of boboiboy since his elements were according to his personality and also his mind then it means that you could him scan his body coordinates since his watch is from you, right." said Yaya "oh right, how can I forgot." said ochobot. ochobot fly above boboiboy and started to scan him but after he scanned him he was shocked and he said "boboiboy h-he is asleep but in a very deep sleep like he's in a hibernation." said by the terrified ochobot. his  sentence shock everyone in the staff room." Suddenly captain kaizo appeared and ask them "what are u all doing here and why is boboiboy sleeping in the storeroom" "ah, captain kaizo good timing, can you pls carry boboiboy to the meeting room," said ochobot "what do you think who I am your servant, and why can't you just wake him up," asked kaizo angrily "we can't, he won't wake up like he's dead," said Gopal "huh dead?" said kaizo "wey, speak properly"smack Gopal and said "um he means like he's in a hibernation so we can't wake him up"ying sma "so you're asking me to carry him to the meeting room??" asked kaizo "yes, pls captain," said ochobot "hm*looked at fang and the others except Yaya and ochobot*ok," said kaizo. he carried boboiboy slowly and walk to the meeting room as they asked and the others just follow him from behind

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