Chapter 4.

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Once we were all back at Mike's house everyone was quiet. Me, Richie and Cam were all sitting on the sofa, staring off into space still processing what happened. Eddie was still in the shower, washing off the black icky vomit from his encounter with Pennywise. Ben and Bev were sitting on the stairs, Bev was smoking a cigarette with her head on Ben's shoulder. Mike, Stan and Bill were showing each other their objects, tiny laughs coming from them.

Eddie eventually walked down the stairs after washing off the vomit, he was wearing a towel around his waist, his hair was dripping wet and he was also shirtless. Mike looked up at Eddie who was leant against the stair banister, drying his hair off with a towel, he gulped a bit looking at his fiance. Cam was also staring at Eddie, they bit their lip slightly. Richie noticed and hit them at the back of their head. Cam let out an ouch in pain, kicking Richie in the balls which ended up with him on the floor cursing at Cam. Eddie laughed a bit before grabbing his clothes and walking back upstairs. "You bitch why the fuck did you kick me there" He groaned a bit, putting his hands over his crotch. "You hit me in the fucking head you idiot" They glared at their husband, rubbing the back of their head. Mike walked over to Richie and helped him up "Both of you calm down. Now isn't the time to argue." Mike slapped Richie's face slightly, looking over at Cam.

Richie sat next to me on the sofa, sending glares to Cam every few seconds. I smiled ruffling his hair a bit "So..what object do you have?" I put my head on his shoulder, yawning a bit. He pulled out his arcade token showing me it. "Arcade token from street fighter. What do you have?" He grinned, putting the token out of his pocket and putting his head on mine. I sighed a bit, taking out Loki's collar "Loki's old collar.." He pouted a bit as he saw my face turn into a frown, he hugged me, stroking my hair. Richie was always there for me whenever I went through any sad moment, he let me cry on him when my cat, Loki, passed away from old age. He is the best youngest sibling I could ask for and if I ever lost him I wouldn't cope in any way. Richie eventually pulled away from the hug, wiping my tears away, and laying his head on my shoulder.


We all arrived at the well house, Richie was holding Cam's hand quite tightly as we all walked into the house together. We all walked to the well in the middle of the upstairs room. Once everyone got into the sewer we walked towards a stage in the middle of the room, our flashlights shining it towards the stage. The stage had spiky things coming out of it, we all pushed our way through the dark green mucky water and went on the stage, Mike put the box thing down in the middle of the stage (authors note - idk what the thing is called that Mike has in the film with the symbols on it - anyways back to the story). We all put our objects into the box, holding each other's hands once we all put our objects in the box. "I want you all to repeat after me okay?" Mike said, closing his eyes once we all did. Everyone nodded, repeating the words 'Turn light into dark'. A few minutes later we all stopped except Eddie who carried on "Turn light into dark, turn light into dark, did we do it? Did we do it?" He asked, opening his eyes and letting go of Mike's and Bev's hands. There was a red balloon growing in the middle of Mike's box, it kept growing and growing until we fell out of the stage only to reveal a very spider looking Pennywise. This was his natural form, it looked creepy as his..other clown form. He had spider legs with pincers on the end of them, his face looked the same, only his sharp teeth were completely out. Pennywise giggled pushing his face in between the spiky things "Oh how I've missed you allll" He growled, breaking through the stage and attempting to whack us all with his leg, we all moved out of the way holding onto whoever we were near. I was nearest to Bill so I gripped his hand, holding onto it tightly. Me and Bill ran off to hide with the others, Pennywise was trying to get through "You can't hide from meeee" He giggled again, breaking through the concrete. We all ran off from him, Bill fell into water eventually pulling himself out of it and coughing out the water that was in his mouth, Stan ran over to him up to his feet and cupping his face "Are you okay Bill?". Bill nodded looking at his husband "I-I-Im okay S-S-Stan" He smiled pressing his lips to Stans, Stan kissed him back for a brief second before pulling away and grabbing Bill's hand to run to the others.

Pennywise jumped in front of Mike, making him jump. Pennywise grinned "Hello Mikey" He giggled looking down at Mike. Mike glared up at him, his hand shaking slightly "I know what you really are. I am not afraid of you." Pennywise growled again, wrapping his spider-like leg around Mike, making him struggle against his leg, trying to get out of his grasp, the clown giggled pulling Mike closer to him "I know what you really are...a mad man." The clown's voice dropped lower when he said mad man, his claw pressed against Mike's chin. Pennywise started opening his mouth wider, his teeth growing even more, right when he was about to bite Mike he felt a rock hit his head. "Hey dickwad!" Richie shouted at the demonic clown causing him to throw Mike against a rock and for him to turn around to stare at Richie confused. Richie grabbed another rock, shining his flashlight against Pennywise. "You wanna play Truth or Dare?!? Here's the truth, you're a sloppy bitch." Richie shouted at Pennywise, The clown glaring at him. "Yeah that's right! Let's dance." He raised the rock above his head "Yippekaiyay mother fu-" His words were cut off when Pennywise opened his mouth wide enough, the deadlights shining through as Richie dropped the rock and flashlight, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he floated up towards the ceiling. Cam gasped as they saw their husband floating towards the ceiling, Eddie was beside Cam, holding a spear, he mumbled something under his breath as the top of the spear started glowing a green light. He started running towards Pennywise, throwing the spear directly at his head. Cam ran to Richie when he fell on the floor, their husband rubbing the back of his head and sitting up. "I think I did it Richie, I think I killed him." Eddie smiled, Cam helping Richie up to his feet. I was on the side with Stan and Bill, I saw that Pennywise eventually stood up, he raised his clawed pincer, before he could push it through Eddie's back I ran towards them and pushing them out of the way, causing Pennywise to hit the floor, and all 4 of us landing onto the floor. Pennywise growled at us when we all got up and started running away from the clown. Mike, Bev, Ben, Stan and Bill running away from him with us too, we all saw the way out from the sewer. We all ran towards it only for Pennywise to jump down and cover it. We all jumped, holding onto each other. Pennywise let out a deep chuckle, walking towards us slowly as we backed away. Ben had his hand on Bev's and Stan's arm "What the fuck do we do now?" He asked, walking a bit quicker. "You die, that's what you do." Pennywise smiled, drool falling from his bottom lip, still walking towards the Losers Club. Mike went quiet, looking down a bit before he spoke up "We've gotta make it feel small.." When Mike said that Pennywise giggled "Make ME feel small?!?! I'm eternal, the eater of worlds." He hovered over Mike, growling a bit. "Of course you're not, you're just a clown." He looked up at Pennywise, the clown frowning a bit and moving back. Pennywise growled again and ran towards Bev, opening his mouth to reveal his teeth once again, Bev moved back a bit before saying "You're just a stupid clown." The clown growled again, aiming his clawed leg at Ben "Just a headless boy!" He shouted at him, Pennywise moved away a bit, his leg twitching slightly. "A-An Imposter!" Bill shouted at him, making the clown stagger a bit. Bill and Ben carried on bullying the clown, Bev shouted at Pennywise again "A fucking bully!". Pennywise growled again, Mike shouting at him again "You're just a clown! A fucking clown!" The fear for Pennywise left all of them, only fueled with anger. Pennywise growled again, his head twitching. Richie eventually spoke up "Just a dumb fucking clown!" He was holding Cam's hand tightly once again. We all shouted the word clown at Pennywise, walking towards him as Pennywise started walking backwards, slowly shrinking. "You fucking stupid clown!" Bill shouted at him, all of us walking towards the clown who had fallen into the stage once again. Pennywise crawled backwards towards the stage's walls, throwing a rock at Mike and attempting to attack him once more. We all started calling him a clown once again, his face melting into a mess. Richie gritted his teeth, letting go of Cam's hand and ripping off the clown's pincer, throwing it away before going back to calling him a clown again. Pennywise was eventually shrunk, he flopped himself against the wall. I was in front of the Losers Club, our clown insults slowly dying away. Pennywise was feeling the emotion fear for the first time, he gulped, letting out tiny cries as I slowly reached out my hand towards his chest, I jumped a bit as he tried to attack me again, eventually flopping back down onto the wall, wrapping his tiny fingers around my hand guiding me towards his heart. I reached into his chest, ripping out his beating heart and holding it in my hand. Pennywise watched as we all crushed his heart in our hands. Pennywise started melting away once we crushed his heart. The house started falling once Pennywise was gone, we all ran out of the broken house.

We all cheered and smiled jumping into the greenish water, Ben took his shirt off, revealing his six pack of abs. Richie was sitting on a rock, splashing water at everyone. We all eventually got out of the water, Ben of course leaving his shirt off. We all did a group hug, finally happy that Pennywise was long gone and never coming back. Or was he finally gone...?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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