Arc 4 chapter 33-40

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Shen Mubai is both awkward and depressed, then she starts to learn to be smart, lying in the ground for a while, a small grunt in the throat, that pair The big green-green scorpion is open.

The things that followed were something she could not think of.

I saw one of the men's hands reaching in, the index finger was intended to blow in this direction, and the target direction was very accurate.

Shen Mubai was both shocked and annoyed, then she opened her mouth and bit the index finger.

Of course not very hard, but in order to express her anger, she also intentionally contaminated some of the saliva.


The long, white-shouldered hand stunned, and then he took it back if nothing had happened.

Shen Mubai stunned in the face with anger, and then concentrated on his pockets, staring at his eyes.

In one lesson, the head of the man's hand was placed in the same place. If you had not witnessed it all, Shen Mubai could hardly believe that the seemingly cold and faint Jiang would actually do this.

Being disturbed when you sleep the most fragrant, even the shovel can not forgive!

When I was in class, Jiang did not know why he was called by the teacher. Suddenly in the bag, Shenmu's eyes suddenly slipped through a chubby smile, and then couldn't help but sip a slobber.

She sneaked out of Mimi's probe, and when the students didn't notice the position, they jumped out and quickly pulled out of the classroom.

During this period, Shen Mubai, who was arrogant and arrogant, did not think about it. If Jiang Yiran found out that she was not in the bag, she would get what kind of end.

And after she got out, a boy blinked and then looked at it.

The classmates who talked to him saw and asked, "Wang Zhi, what happened?"

This boy was the unlucky one who wanted to tease Shen Mubai and was finally stunned by the teacher. He looked stunned. "I seem to have seen a cat running out of the classroom."

The classmate laughed. "How can Hahaha come from, where is the cat."

Wang Zhi thought, he really did not read the mistake, the last cat appeared again, and it seems that it is really a cat. Staring at the classmates who were joking in front of you, they thought of Jiang's indifferent face, and the words in the throat were silently smashed back.

Even if Jiang Yiran really brought a cat to class, he would not dare to make a small report.

After Shen Mubai came out of the classroom, she was physically small and sensitive, and she could not hide the eye of some girls.

So in the scream, she ran out of the teaching building without going back, and ran towards the canteen.

The fat cockroaches in the cafeteria seemed to be out of breath. I saw a yellow-and-white thing in the distance and ran towards her. I was slightly shocked. After seeing it, my face was happy. Look, "Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Shen Mubai was so clever that she felt and made a squeaky voice.

After talking about it for a while, the fat canteen took out a small bag of broad beans from the pocket. At first she was worried that the cat might not like this small snack, but when she saw that the other party was eating very sweet, The eyes can't find the original look.

"The truth is that the cats are not familiar with them, and they are easy to picky eaters. You not only remember to come back here, but also eat everything."

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