You Meet Again

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(Format may be wonky along with spelling because I'm writing some of this from my phone which also has a spell checker that ends up fucking me over most of the time because it thinks way differently than me. Sorry about that. Now that I'm back home and have my computer set up again I tried to fix it to the best of my ability.)

Little Mac:

Just like before, you decided to show up to your tutoring session early only to find the gym completely empty. After a quick call to Doc, you learned that Mac was in the middle of a boxing match and it would take a while to finish. So you decided to just go along with it and went to wait outside of the local WVBA boxing arena. You were originally just going to wait outside but Doc somehow talked the staff into letting you end, which put you where you were now, sitting next to Doc Louis at Mac's corner of the ring, watching the young boxer fight someone way out of his weight class.

"Are you sure this is legal? Aren't there rules against different weight classes?" You quietly asked Doc, a little worried for Mac's safety.

"Don't fret, kid. Mac's been training day and night for fights like this." Doc reassured with a bright smile before unwrapping a chocolate bar that you didn't even notice he had. Next thing you knew, you saw a glimpse of Mac landing a particularly strong punch on his foe, sending them soaring back and to the ground.

"Woah! What was that?!" You asked aloud, gasping at the sudden strength from the short teen.

"A good ol' star punch! Invented by me of course." Doc bragged with a proud smile before turning his attention back to the fight as the ref counted up.

"8... 9... 10! KO!" The ref shouted as the crowd roared behind you. Doc jumped into the ring to congratulate Mac, holding up the teen's hand in victory. Mac laughed and jumped around in a victorious fashion before recognizing your presence and running over to you.

"y/n? I didn't know you were here!" Mac exclaimed, leaning over the ropes as he spoke. You smiled up at the excited boxer.

"I guess I just couldn't wait to see you." You joked, earning a nervous chuckle from Mac.


"Well duh. We have to start on Algebra today." You reminded him, earning a disappointed look.

"Oh right." Mac sighed before hopping out of the ring.

"What did you think I was here for?"

"I don't know. Maybe you wanted to see a good fight?" Mac explained with a shrug. You thought about his sentence for a moment before answering, "If all your fights are like this, then maybe I will start attending them. When I get the time of course."

"Promise?" Mac asked, turning to you with hope filled eyes, a swift change in mood from just a second ago. You laughed and decided to give in.

"Promise." You could always find time in your schedule if you really needed to. And what would a few boxing matches hurt?

"Pinky promise?" Mac added on with a sly smirk after, holding out his pinky finger which you promptly shoved away.

"Don't start this." You playfully retorted, earning a laugh from Mac who then challenged you to a race back to the gym, the adrenaline from the match still present in his system.

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