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I don't know who needs to read this, but here it is!

Reasons to live: 

 "Suicide doesn't stop the pain," "It gives it to someone else." 

- [ ] 1: We would miss you  - [ ] 2: It's worth it to be alive!- [ ] 3: It does get better,believe it or not it will eventually get better.- [ ] 4: There's so much you would miss out on doing.  - [ ] 5: You are worth it don't let anyone,even yourself tell you otherwise.- [ ] 6: God made you for a reason, you have a reason. - [ ] 7: There is always a reason to live!! - [ ] 8: So many people care about you - [ ] 9: You are amazing- [ ] 10: I don't even know you and I love you - [ ] 11: I care for you - [ ] 12: There are plenty of people that love you - [ ] 13: Youre literally perfect!! <3- [ ] 14: There are plenty of people that care for you- [ ] 15: God loves you - [ ] 16: God cares about you  - [ ] 17: Sometimes life is hard but it will make you a stronger person don't worry! - [ ] 18: What about all the things you've always wanted to do?What about all the things you've planned,but never got around doing? You can't do them if your dead. - [ ] 19: I want you to be alive - [ ] 20: So many people want you alive! - [ ] 21: You won't be able to listen to Music if you die - [ ] 22: You'll never be able to listen to your favorite song if you die. - [ ] 23: You'll never be able to listen to your favorite singer if you're gone - [ ] 24: You'll never be able to listen to your favorite rapper if you're gone. - [ ] 25: listening to really loud music - [ ] 26: Killing yourself is never worth it,you'll hit both yourself & the people who care about you. - [ ] 27: There are so many people that would miss you,including me - [ ] 28: the clouds - [ ] 29: You are gorgeous - [ ] 30: Someone out there would die for you :') - [ ] 31: How do you think your family would feel? - [ ] 32: Proving people wrong with your success. - [ ] 33: Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life. - [ ] 34: You'll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day. - [ ] 35: You'll never have the feeling of walking into a cold building on a hot day. - [ ] 36: Being stupid in public just because you can. - [ ] 37: Helping other people. - [ ] 38: You have a future to live for.. - [ ] 39: Being alive is good - [ ] 40: thinking about happy memories - [ ] 41: Finding your soulmate. - [ ] 42: All nighters!!! - [ ] 43: Sleeping in all day - [ ] 44: You can look back at yourself later in your life and be glad you didn't commit suicide. - [ ] 45: Nobody could ever replace you - [ ] 46: You're unique - [ ] 47: pets - [ ] 48: petting pets - [ ] 49: Netflix and movies - [ ] 50: Decorating the Christmas tree - [ ] 51: Dreams that make you smile - [ ] 52: Breakfast in bed - [ ] 53: New clothes - [ ] 54: New shoes - [ ] 55: New books - [ ] 56: Sunrises and Sunsets - [ ] 57: Friends - [ ] 58: The ocean - [ ] 59: Sunlight - [ ] 60: Your family - [ ] 61: Inside jokes - [ ] 62: Birthdays - [ ] 63: Christmas - [ ] 64: Family traditions - [ ] 65: The taste of your favorite food - [ ] 66: Favorite tv show - [ ] 67: Favorite movie - [ ] 68: Going to new places - [ ] 69: The ability to peruse what ever you choose (there are over 7 billion people on Earth,don't be afraid to be you) - [ ] 70: To earn money and rewards - [ ] 71: You can always flip your life around. - [ ] 72: To find the perfect job/career for you - [ ] 73: Pizza - [ ] 74: Kittens - [ ] 75: New haircuts - [ ] 76: Moments you can look back to and laugh at - [ ] 77: The clouds - [ ] 78: The world is better with you in it - [ ] 79: Roller Coasters - [ ] 80: Showers - [ ] 81: Cake - [ ] 82:Growing old - [ ] 83: Growing old with the person you love - [ ] 84: Singing - [ ] 85: Sleeping - [ ] 86: Icecream - [ ] 87: Cookies - [ ] 88: food in general - [ ] 89: Movie nights - [ ] 90: Candy - [ ] 91: Popcorn - [ ] 92: Daydreaming - [ ] 93: Happy moments - [ ] 94: Halloween - [ ] 95: Sleepovers - [ ] 96: Parties - [ ] 97: Having a good personality - [ ] 98: Making people happy - [ ] 99: Bonfires - [ ] 100: Sitting on rooftops - [ ] 101: Vacations - [ ] 102: Hearing crazy stories - [ ] 103: Telling crazy stories - [ ] 104: Treehouses - [ ] 105: Starbucks - [ ] 106: You've changed someone's life - [ ] 107: If you're gone how will you achieve great things? - [ ] 108: Everyone has talent including you - [ ] 109: Eating crazy food - [ ] 110: Hanging out with your friends - [ ] 111: Nobody coul ever replace you - [ ] 112: You have so much to live for - [ ] 113: Your dreams need some fulfilling to do - [ ] 114: Living life to the fullest - [ ] 115: Heck,I would miss you like crazy - [ ] 116: Your family and friends would be devastated if you were gone - [ ] 117: Someone out there is constantly praying to meet someone like you - [ ] 118: Your future - [ ] 119: You could save so many lives - [ ] 120: You are too beautiful to disappear - [ ] 121: You are bigger than any of your problems - [ ] 122: You are never alone during this struggle - [ ] 123: Tomorrow is a new day! - [ ] 124: You are worth more than you think 

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