Chapter 1

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Pierson's POV

I'm sitting on my bed scrolling through TikTok and I see a fan edit of Brent pretending to be me in his YouTube video from a couple weeks ago and he's saying "Hmm, do I like Brent or Twan this week?" over and over again. I'm confused myself, I've liked Brent for a very long time but he has said so many times that he isn't ready for a relationship. I was completely fine with that for a long time but at the time when he talked to me about it I didn't know that it meant that he could go around kissing other girls. Meanwhile I know that Twan is ready. I feel like I am being led on by Brent. One week we could film and spend a lot of time together and post coupley content and the next week I'm only in his videos if the rest of the squad is. And then we sometimes only post more so called "Brierson" content if a lot of followers are DMing both of us asking what happened and wanting more content with the two of us. I really don't know how much longer of this I can take because I don't want to lead Twan on if Brent wants something to happen between us.

"Hey Pier" Lexi H. says walking into my room. "Can you film a vid with me? It'll only take an hour."

"Yeah sure, when?"

"I'm filming in an hour so we need to go to the group house in 30 minutes."

"Okay" I reply and Lexi leaves my room to get ready.

I find an outfit to wear as I'm in sweatpants right now and I decide on flare pants and a cute white tank top. I finish getting ready and walk outside with Lexi and I see Brent's car pull up.

"What is he doing here? I thought we were filming a video? You set me up didn't you, Lexi?" I say very confused. Lexi Rivera gets out of the car and gives us hugs.

"Since you and Brent haven't filmed or done anything that puts you in the direction of becoming my sister-in-law recently, we set you up on a little drive date. No cameras and no pranks." Lexi R. explains. I laugh but hinting I'm slightly uncomfortable.

"Is there a schedule or something?" I say jokingly.

"Yes, and you are three weeks behind. Two weeks is fine but three is just slacking." Lexi R. replies laughing. "Just kidding but you guys really haven't been doing much just the two of you so this is your opportunity." Both Lexi's push me into the passengers seat and close the car door, walking back into me and Lexi H.'s house, leaving me alone confused in the car with Brent.

Brierson behind camerasWhere stories live. Discover now