13. Xiumin- Fake Boyfriend

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" You better not late," Suho said through the phone.

I was on my break after almost 22 hours practice. I took my hot coffee after I paid. It's nice to have coffee at the middle of 'morning'.

' 3 a.m '. Geez, we're practiced too long.

" Where are you now ?", Suho asked.

" Walking to SME. No worry", I answered.

" Take the railway, Minseok. It's dangerous".

" Then the railway isn't ? "

" Better than walking alone. Besides there are no many peoples at 3 am "

I sighed, " Fine ".

So I took the railway...


I stepped out from the train and walked to the stairs. Suddenly, a girl- I guess, ran into me and embraced me.

" Excuse  me ?! "

" Sorry! I'm really sorry! But..just..stay for awhile! Please ! ", she pleaded.

" No way ! ", she tightened and look up  at me.

'No.No. Don't give me that puppy eyes!'

And... I fail. Sighing. " Fine ".

She beamed. " Thank you ! "

Out of  blue, a guy in suit came near us.

He looked like...dangerous ? Well since his face is so fiercely.

" Do you see this girl ?", he showed me a picture. Wait, it was her !

I embraced the girl, " Sorry. No ".

" Oh. Ok, sorry for interrupt you both", he bowed and left.

" Is he gone ? ", the girl muttered.

" Yeah ", then she released.

" I can't thank you enough. Well, thank you ! ", she beamed. So hyperactive.

" Yeah. Yeah. Whatever ", I lazily said and walked off.

" Err. Wait ! ", she called so I turned.

" Do I need to explain ? "

" No..it's okay. I'm already late.."

' Because of you...'

I turned back and walked again.

" Thank you baozi guy ! "

" Oh, my name is _____ anyway !", she continued.

I shook my head, wondering why human now is so funny.


" Okay. Ready, 1,2,3. Okay! Nice shot, Xiumin ! ", the photographer said.

We were now shooting for our comeback. Really, I can't wait for it.

I'm so excited ! Oh my God ! Okay I sounded like a girl now.

" Break, 10 minutes ! ".

" Wah ~ So tired ~ ", Sehun whined.

I sat next to Chen, chuckling. Then our manager came to us.

" Wanna see the CEO of your outfits ?", he said.

" What do you mean? CEO ? ", Lay asked.

" The sponsor. She comes today. To see if the clothes are fine. So you guys behave", he warned and left after eyeing Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

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