PART I: Leaving Again

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"Ugh..." Everything hurt. Mae would grunt and groan as she sat up in her bed, scratching her side. The morning sunlight pouring through her window into her room which admittedly looked quite a lot cleaner due to the majority of the previous mess being shoved into her suitcase and bags. She needed to move those downstairs today. After all it was the day of departure for her and Bea. A quest of grand proportions...Or something. She'd sigh, getting up and at least trying to make herself presentable after a quick shower. She began moving her bags downstairs not long after. Her mother would hear the grunting and labored breaths of Mae as she sipped her morning coffee. 

"Mae, dear?"

"Yeah mom?"

"Come in and say hello."

Of course, Mae would oblige after putting down her hefty luggage. Walking into the kitchen and sitting atop the countertop. The clock along the wall ticking which was the only other ambience in the room.

"So, finally leaving for your trip today huh?" Her mother spoke, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yup, we plan on heading out west! We both planned a lot of spots we wanted to visit...And secret spots that I wanna visit too!" She'd smile. Obviously she was stoked for the trip.

"Oh, secret spots?" Her mother asked inquisitively.

"Well yeah, it's no fun if we know where we're gonna go all the time...So I picked out a few spots that'll be surprises for Bea!"

"Hmm...Well I do hope they're nothing too crazy hon. You still have your phone right?"

Mae paused for a moment before recalling she did have a phone! She got it as a Longest Night gift from her parents. An older Cyborg model, but Cyborg brand phones weren't designed to become obsolete and die in about a year like most Vphones.

"Yeah! I got it here in my back pocket. Don't worry I'll be calling every now and then when I can."

"Mhm. I've already talked your ear off about how worried I am. But you're going with Bea so you'll be fine. If that girl can take care of a store she can take care of my daughter for a few months."

"Jeez you're making it sound like I'm her pet..." Mae said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, maybe I should've worded it as you two should take care of each other out there. It's a big wide world out there sweetie and I just don't want you to get hurt like you did in the fall."

"I'll be fine mom! Really. We'll even be home in time for Longest Night. That's the one thing we definitely agreed on." She'd say, trying to reassure her mother.

"Well, me and your father will be seeing you both off! Make sure you have everything you need."

Mae would nod, getting off the countertop and walking to the front door. First things first was actually checking in with Bea. She stepped outside onto the sidewalk. Noticing Mr. Penderson on his lawn. He immediately turned to make eye contact with her.

"Finally leaving eh? You damn devil!" He loudly quipped.

"Only until Longest Night, Mr. Penderson." Mae spoke, wanting to get out of this conversation as quick as possible. She was already well aware of the displeasure of speaking to him.

"Yeah, and then you'll be back to cause who knows what else in this town!" He'd shake his fist, making his way back to his home. Mae would sigh in relief. He would be one of the very few reasons she'd actually want to leave Possum Springs. The main reason being the thing that had been clawing away at her psyche since that night in the mines. She wanted to get as far as possible...For a time anyway. She needed this as much as Bea needed this! And speaking of Bea she was gonna meet up with her right now!

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