just choose yourself

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You can do anything what you wanna do but if it's only your choice . What if somebody forcing you to do that what you don't want to do ? You can't do that thing which feels you like yuck ! I don't wanna do that . Listen to your mind and you dreams & goals . You can only do that thing in which you are fully interested .but ,it's not be like you are sleeping days and nights because you like that ... Hahaha ! Stop being in your comfort zone baby .if you want to be successful . You must keep your comforts aside and switch it to your goals , your routines .

Keep your targets , your monthly , weekly or daily targets . I want to tell you a something that a year ago I started writing my daily target and it's very exciting at the beginning . But in between I was bored with that stuff . I was like what I'm doing , just wasting my time in writing targets . But then I realised it is useful & it helping me lot . So it's not about giving up , it's about changing your life and making it perfect & productive .

Some people in my surroundings said “why she is  in her room . I think she's using phone and chatting with someone or using social media ” but they don't know I'm busy In creating my future brighter .
If you do good , they will say . If you do bad , they will say . So let them say ! You stay busy babe . You will rock .

Girls , do you have any planning or strategy about what you wanna do .
If you have planned something let me tell you some secrets . Don't lose you attitude of gratitude . Don't leave anything for tomorrow . Take proper rest and 7-8 hours sleep . Remember that rest is must. Spend your mornings in MITs ( most important tasks ) . Don't use phone in morning . Girls do that early morning , because it's urgent to check social media at morning after waking up , right ! Hahaha ... Just fun guys , okay next . If your friends or family or even your boyfriend / girlfriend calling you to hangout . If you are not interested , you are busy or you are working on an urgent project . Just say no to them . Here I know some girls , who can't even say no to there loved ones because they think if I said no to them they will be hurt . Babygirl ! It's a word not an asteroid . Say no with respect . As I said speak your mind .

Growth is in descipline . If you are waking at 10 am and eating breakfast at 1 pm . Is it a routine ? Is this called descipline ? Descipline is the thing that come to those who wanna be successful and want to be a billionaire . Motivation gets you going ,but descipline keeps you growing .
99 % has a will to win . But 1% has a will to work for there win .be the 1% guys .

No pain no gain - this quote is everywhere at this planet , on every social sites . Would you ever felt that wow what a quote . I felt that hell ! Let me show you what I felt ...this will open your eye .
If you have no pain , you will never gain anything . Pain will teach you the real success . The best teachers of the world is pain , regrets , heart breakdown & struggle . If there is no struggles , there will be no progress . Remember that ! Who will not give up , will be the real winner . Don't run from struggles suffer it and break it . Pain is everything without pain you can't achieve anything . Don't find faults , follow success system . The success system is discipline & mentorship . The right mentor and your unbreakable descipline is your success . Every teacher is once a student ,every master is once a learner and every leader is once a reader . Don't forget it your time will come soon .

If you wanna be a leader . Remember these 3 lines . May help you in your success system .
• value your time : make a routine , follow it .
• have a good source to practice from .
• take break once in a while and be confident , non - doubt ,believe in yourself and have faith .

What is your greatest lesson in life ?
Failure , it is the starting point of success .failure is not opposite of success ,it's a part of it babygirl .
It's the fuel of champions .Someone who doesn't  give up , that is called successful . Losers quit when they fail ,Winners fail until they succeed .
Giving up is just like ruining your own life .
Practice till perfection
Practice :- practice till that you never get wrong . Practice makes man perfect . The power of hope - if you have hope in your heart you'll never walk alone .
Try - keep changing things . Have an attitude that you can do it because attitude is everything . Work hard & re-create harder . Create an atmosphere of positivity .

The perfect independence.
The perfect building .
The perfect body .
The perfect teeth .

Qué. What should you focus on ?
      Consistency You don't need perfection , you need consistency . Consistency is the key to success.

Qué. Which one of these do you aspire the most ?
           • a dream house .
           • a billion dollars .
           • some million followers .
           • the highest paying job.
           • all of these :  the highest paying job is the key for all .          Your aspiration are your possibilities.

1. The best apparels.
2. The best gadgets .
3. The top colleges .
4. The top companies .
5. Highest paying jobs .
6. The best cars .
7. A king sized mansion .
Qué. What makes any aspiration a possibility ?
           Passion for excellence.

The 10k ( 10000 ) hours rule .
10000 hours is the ammount of practice , you must put in to your attain mastery .

Don't be ordinary but be extraordinary
Average - it is the worst of the best and the best of the worst . Don't be a mediocre . Be above average or below average . Don't stuck in between .

Hey guys , I written it with my heart  not by a huge research in just 1 day . Please give love to this book .

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