Bio Of My Oc

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Name: Max Simmons, Aka Venom.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Alias: (On Earth) Vigilante, (In Amphibia) also a Vigilante.

Other Names: Maxer'o (Anne), Boy Anne (Sprig), Scary Black Human (Polly), Boy (Hop Pop)

Max's Appearance:

Now Think of Him with a Jacket or Sweater On

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Now Think of Him with a Jacket or Sweater On...You'll Get the Idea. 

Him when Venom Takes Control:

Him when Venom Takes Control:

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Personality Of Max: He is a Pretty Chilled Person who just wants To Sleep, Eat and Likes to be around Other People. He is a Bit of a Wise Cracker, Making Dumb Jokes at the Worsts Of Times. But can also be pretty Strict and Paranoid, Trying his Best to get Out of Trouble and Tries To be the Voice Of reason for the Hungry, Wild, and Aggressive Venom.

Personality Of Venom: Unlike Max, Venom Is a Hyper-Active, Rude, Cannibalistic, Murdering, Aggressive, Impatient, And Huge Potty Mouth Of a Creature who Cares Nothing more but To Eat and Kill Bad Guys Or Random People If Given the Chance. He doesn't Care about Personnel Safety Or Risks and Just Charges ahead Without second Thought  and Would frequently argue Bully Max If He didn't get his Way.  However, Venom Does Have a Soft Side as He will Spare People or give them a Chance To Run Free if they don't commit Crimes and Etc ever Again. He Can also be a Bit of a Lovable Dork the more you get to know him and Deeply Cares For Max as a Friend even when He doesn't always Show or Say that He Does.   


Max Likes: Food, Sleeping, Making Jokes, Talking (Alot), History, Music, Acting, Making Rules For Venom.

Max Dislikes: Being alone, Being Bullied, Getting in Trouble, Venom Doing Stupid Things for no reason, Losing his Friends. 

Venom Likes: Eating People, Killing, Fighting, Annoying The Crap Out Of Max, Cussing, Polly, And Cholate. 

Venom Dislikes: Not able To Eat or Kill People, Feeling Weak, Being Isolated, Bad Guys, Max's Jokes, Loud Noises, Bugs 


Powers and Abilities: 

As Venom, Max Is far Stronger and Faster than a Normal Man. He is able to Shrug Off Weapons and Gunfire with ease and Can Shapeshift his Hands To a Shield Or a Versatile Whip to Either Grab a Person or He\She's Weapon Out of Their Hands Or Just Uses His Long Tongue. He also can Scale or Climb Up Walls, Has Heightened senses Like Hearing and Smell. able To Bite and Eat Any Matter. Even When Max Is Himself, He can Call On Venom To Become Extra Limbs, Weapons, Or For Support. Because Him and Venom are separate Entities Inside One Body, One Can Do One Thing as The Other does Another.            

Weakness: Hyper sonic Sound or Just load Noises In General. Plus, Venom Is weaker then the rest of his Fellow Symbiote's, His Shapeshifting is a Bit Limited and Can Be Overpowered by a Stronger People Or Other's Of his Kind if Not careful. Venom and Max are also Still Learning to Get along and Negotiate on each other's Terms.    


And This Is My Male Reader Story, I Had saw so Many Of these Things and I Thought. "Hey, Why don't I give it a Shot?" This isn't a Romance story, It's Just another 'What If' Scenario if an Alternate Version Of Eddie Brock was Like If he was In The Amphibia Tv Show.

Plus My Character is 16, Anne is 13 so...No Shipping. (And Don't tell me Otherwise.)               

The Origin Of Him Becoming and Him Being Transported To Amphibia Is In the Making. Stay Tuned For that In the Late Future...Maybe. 

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