Chapter 9: Guess whos back

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(in future chapters i will do differnt points of views so you could be reading from Andys or your own)

Your POV

You fell to the floor with a thud, but where did you fall from...?

You picked yourself up from the ground... You reconised the room you were in... You were at the recording studio you met Andy in, you walked into the room you first aquanted with the band and all five members were sitting there Jinxx, Ashley, CC, Jake and of course Andy. This was weird.

"Hay Andy whats going on?"

Andy didnt respond. The full band was just sitting like they were waiting on someone or something to happen, were they waiting on you? No it couldnt be. You stood in frount of them and and waved.


"They cant hear you"

You span around to see who the voice was but no one was there, what?

"who are you?!"

Then the voice came from directly behind you.

"its me"

You span around... It... Was... Juliet.

(hey guys sorry that these chapeters are soo short its just if i make them longer Wattpad glitches out so thats the reason)

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