Chapter 14

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I say I'm over Vinnie but I'm really not I will never be over him fully
"SHIT!" I say to myself
You start walking
Then you see nicks car
"Shit shit shit." You say you try to cover yourself but he sees you
"Hey baby." Nick says
You look at him
He gets out
Nick grabs your arm and yanks you in
nicks drives to the end of the road and parks
He gets out and pulls you out of the car and just hits you over and over again your crying
He than takes a knife
"Please don't."
He cuts your face and all over your legs and arms
He doesn't even speak to you
He picks you up then throws you on the ground
Your pretty sure it broke your leg
Your screaming at this point
"Nick please stop." You say
Nick then steps all over you
Then he gets up and drives away quickly
You try and get up but you fall
You try again and stand up but it hurts so bad your crying so so so so so hard
You limp over to sway because their the last house on the street and your at the very end
Your crying because it hurts so bad you use the railing to get up your dripping blood everywhere
You knock and vinnie answers
"Oh my god what happened."
You could even talk you were crying so hard
Vinnie picks you up and runs you to the bathroom counter
Your eyes were red you were busied all over your body you had cuts on your body
There was a huge gash on your head
"I'm taking you to the hospital."
"NO!" You say
"No question. Your going." Vinnie says
You were hurting too bad too even argue
Vinnie picks you up and puts you in his car
*its 3:58 am*
You guys get to the hospital
Your face looked like this but worse

" Vinnie says You were hurting too bad too even argue Vinnie picks you up and puts you in his car *its 3:58 am*You guys get to the hospital Your face looked like this but worse

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You get a room at the hospital
You have calmed down a bit
"I still hate you." You say to Vinnie
Vinnie doesn't even answer you
The doctor comes in and looks at you and examines stuff
You go do tests and everything
*its 6 am*
You and vinnie haven't sleeped
The doctor walks in
"Okay you have a broken leg and a broken nose your eye is extremely busied you also have a sprained arm." The doctor said
He then put a boot on your leg than put a wrist thingy on your arm
You get a weel chair
Vinnie push's the weelchair out with you in it and puts you into his car.
Vinnie runs the weelchair back to the hospital
"So what happened to you?" Vinnie said
"I was walking home and nick pulled up and punched me and slammed me on the ground and cut me everywhere."
Vinnie shakes his head
The whole car ride was silent
You start to open your door when Vinnie runs out and opens your car door and helps you get out
He opens the door
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" Aisha says to Vinnie
"God she looks so ugly right now." Riley says
And Bryce laughs
Vinnie looks a bit mad
Jaden comes downstairs
"What- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" Jaden says
"Nick happened." Vinnie says
You just look around trying to push back tears because of what Riley said
Vinnie could tell so could Jaden
"I'm gonna beat the whole shit out of that guy." Jaden says as he grabs his keys and slams the door
You hear Aisha and Riley's conversation
"She looks so ugly right now." Riley says
"Hasn't she always." Aisha said
Bryce starts laughing
"Do you want water or anything?" Vinnie says
"No." You say
"It's because she's a slut duh." Aisha says to Riley
You hear that and tears just fall from your eyes you can't even try and hold them back.
Vinnie sees you and picks you up and takes you to his room
And lays you down on your bed
You fall asleep then you hear Aisha yelling
Aisha kisses Vinnie they start to make out
You open your eyes and see it
You try so hard to push back your tears
One tear slips
Now they are undressing each other
You just close your eyes
*Vinnie and aisha did IT     If you know what I mean*
*hours later*
You wake and see them cuddling sleeping
You get up and limp until you get to your churches
You go and sleep in the living room
You fall asleep
*you wake up and 12:00 pm*
Everyone is out in the pool
Your wearing sweatpants and a hoodie
You grab your churches and walk outside and sit on one of the lawn chairs
"Look who's insecure." Aisha says laughing with Riley and Bryce
You just look down
"I think she's beautiful." Jaden says
He's behind you
He lifts up your chin carefully because he doesn't want to hurt your nose and kisses you on the lips
He smiles
You just look down
He whispers to you
"What's wrong." Jaden says
"They keep saying I'm ugly and shit." I say
"We both know it's not true." Jaden says
"It's true Jaden."
"It's not your the most beautiful person in the world." Jaden says
"Thanks." You say messing with your fingers
You look up and see Vinnie grab Aisha and they jump in the pool together then kiss when they come back up
"I can't do this right now." You walk into the house crying
"JADEN." You say
"My fucking foot isn't broken." You say
"That fucking doctor." You say
"It doesn't hurt at all." You say
"That's weird." Jaden says
"Take it off please." You say
Jaden takes it off your foot you get up and jump it isn't broken
"That means I can swim." You says happy
Jaden looks happy
You go and get changed into this

" You says happy Jaden looks happy You go and get changed into this

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You walk downstairs to Jaden
"Damn you look hot." Jaden says
You laugh
"Thanks j." You say
You guys walk out to the pool
"Haha she looks so fat." Aisha says
"More like flat." Bryce says
Everyone laughs but you and Jaden
You look down
Jaden looks so angry
You grab his hand to calm him down
He kisses your forehead
You go into the pool
Jaden jumps in and swims over to you
"Why do they act like that?" You say to Jaden
"Because their jealous you look hot and they don't." Jaden says
They are on other side of the pool and you and Jaden are on the other side
Jaden picks you up in the watch and kisses you
"Your so cute." Jaden says
"Awwwe your cute too." You say
Vinnies looking at you guys
You look over at him
Vinnie looks away
Jaden looks at your eyes
You look at jaden
You hug him tightly
You get out of the pool
Jadens right behind you
"She's so ugly I swear." Riley says
You just a towel and cover up
"Awwwe look at her covering up." Aisha says
"I swear to god Aisha if you don't stop." Jaden says
"Awwwweeee look at j defending his ugly girlfriend." Riley says
You grab jadens hand and go inside
"They need to fucking stop." Jaden says
"I know." You say while looking down
"Is it getting to you?" Jaden says
"Yes." You say
"Oh their are so dead." Jaden says
He walk outs
You follow
"STOP." He says to Aisha and Riley
"And if we don't." Riley says
"I'll move out." Jaden says
"Please don't move out." Vinnie says
"Not until their stop fucking with Maddison." Jaden says.

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