The After Fight

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Jared's POV

"Need help?" I run to catch up with Paul, whose arms are filled with bags of groceries. He hurries out of the rain, trying to make a run for his front door. We both try to avoid not sinking into the muddy, over grown grass of his front yard, both of us struggling to find the path leading to his house through the heavy down pour.

"Jared, hey." Paul claps me on the back as if it wasn't for the arm load of bags. He beams at me as if our fight had never happened. As if getting suspended never happened. He doesn't let me help right away, but with all the heavy rain he finally hands me some bags as he fishes for his house keys.

For majority of the year, Paul has been living on his own. Raising himself when he's not in school, or not busy doing the cooking, cleaning, bills, and all the other stuff his parents should do. It wasn't much better before for Paul. His parents fought so much, most of the res heard it. So no one blamed his mom when she moved away, and were more surprised how she hadn't filed for divorce sooner. Paul's dad works out of state, and sends Paul some cash, but never enough.

Paul has always been the toughest kid in the res. The strongest. The angriest. The one who had to grow up the fastest. As much as I hate the change... as much as it has ruined my life, it's saved Paul's. The pack has been good for him. I've never seen the angriest kid at school so happy.

He doesn't ask me to wipe my feet at the door, so we both track in mud all the way into the kitchen. Unexpectedly he doesn't get mad at now needing to mop, and just focuses on groceries instead. I try not to notice how he unloads nonperishables; canned soap, frozen meals, cold cuts for sandwiches; food he doesn't need to learn to cook. He probably only gets home cooked meals at Sam's and Emily's. Just the thought makes me want to phase into a wolf and drag his parents here by my fangs.

I'm not even sure if Paul's folks know he changed. Sam said he's been struggling to get a hold of them.

"Are you hungry? I just went shopping." He offers what little he has, despite us getting into a fight yesterday. I try to ignore the pit in my stomach.

"No, I'm good," He raises an eyebrow. I run a hand at the back of my neck, prepping myself. "I can't eat till I know we're good."

He gives me a confused expression, my heart racing as if he's about to curse me out. We might get into another fight.

"Of course we are." I finally release that breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Even though we got suspended? If I knew—I wasn't trying to get you in trouble, and—"

"We're good." Paul claps a hand on my shoulder, giving me a grin that tells me nothing is ruined between us.

"Good, good," I nod, almost hugging him. "You're not just my friend, Paul. You're my brother."


"Now you two sit right here, and behave yourselves." Sam growls so deeply it's hard to distinguish whether it's human or wolf. He nearly breaks Emily's kitchen chairs, glaring so intensely Paul and I don't talk back and just lower down into each silently.

"You're very nice to do this." Sam turns towards a stunned Kim, whose watching him with big eyes. Sam doesn't exactly manage a friendly grin, which doesn't help her nerves.

"I'm happy to do it." Kim barely gets out.

"Would like anything?" Sam remembers to ask, but Kim shakes her head. He thanks her again, then turns back to us to give us a warning look.

Once my parents heard I was suspended, it wasn't long before Sam knew. Once Sam heard, he ran to each of our houses to yell at us about the danger of phasing in front of humans, about how maybe Paul and I weren't ready yet to go back to school, how we're bringing attention to the pack, how we let him down, and how he won't let us down. It was a long lecture. Though I suspect Paul's was twice as long and twice as loud.

Sam and my parents talked it over, for this next week, Paul and I will be at Emily's house a near 24/7. We'll be reporting here at dawn for patrol and morning chores and whatever else punishment Sam and Emily feel fit. Then we'll be doing school work for the rest of day, before and after Kim comes over to help. Kim was nice  enough to volunteer to my parents even after I insisted she focus on her own studies, they went over me and asked her to tutor us.

As for Paul, he doesn't want to be here and he's ready to drop out entirely. But he's too intimidated by Sam, whose making him crash on Emily's couch all week so they can keep an eye on him. I think it's exactly what he needs. Maybe they'll get through to him more than I can.

"What would you guys like to get started on? The easy stuff? Or get the harder subjects out of the way?" Kim asks, looking nervous.

Paul says nothing, just glaring at the kitchen table with his arms crossed over his chest. I shoot him a heated look, silently warning him not to give my imprint any of his attitude.

"Okay," Kim tries to stay optimistic, but her smile is wobbly. "What's your favorite subjects?"

"Honestly Kim, gym." I admit making her stifle a sigh. That almost made Paul grin.

"Second favorite?" She asks, pulling out a chair to empty out her backpack.

"Lunch." Paul jokes lowly under his breath. We both straighten up in our chairs when a low growl is heard across the house, too low and far away for Kim to hear.

"History." It's not secret it's my favorite simply because Kim is my class. We share a smile before Paul groans.

"Okay, history," Kim nods, taking out some books from her backpack. "Jared, our class is talking about Napoleon, but let's go back a few chapters to review. Paul since you're still a freshman you're still studying US history, right?"

"Yeah." Paul nods. That was the only answer he was willing to give, but Emily appears in the kitchen from her garden, giving our table an encouraging look. "I think we're talking about the Cuban missile crisis."

"How about you and I go start at the 1960 election, then go from there?" Kim offers with a sweet smile.

"Sure." Paul sighs.


"I'll take you home," I tell Kim as she packs up. Just as she grins at me, Sam comes into the kitchen.

"Who said you could leave?"

"I'll be right back, Sam," I groan.

"You're grounded. No driving." He orders, giving the kitchen a harsh stare. "I can take Kim back to her house."

"Sam, please," I try again, but he shakes his head even tighter. Kim and I exchange disappointed looks. She gives me a sheepish shrug, while I try to keep my arms at my side to not hug her. I can tell she's going to be so nervous in the car with Sam, and he's going to be so serious, neither are going to say a word.

"Text me when you get home." I sigh, knowing I won't win this fight. Maybe with good behavior I can get to take her home in a few days.

"Okay, text me if you need help with any problems. You too Paul." Kim hesitantly gives Paul's shoulder an encouraging squeeze, much like a teacher would. Paul pats her small hand in acknowledgment before turning to Sam.

"I would, but our phones were taken away." Paul sighs, which causes Kim's hand to fall lamely back to her side.

"We're not the ones who got into a fist fight at school, then got suspended." Sam fixes Paul with a stare.

"Not complaining, only stating a fact." Paul says, putting his hands up in defense.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Kim waves, following Sam out to his truck. Just as Sam turns his back, I pull Kim by the hand and press my lips to her cheek, feeling the heat of her blush hot against my lips. I smirk as she staggers, nearly dropping her bookbag. Her whole face is red, and she needs to undue her bun to hide her red ears behind her hair. Her mouth falls open with silent words she struggles to get out, but all she can manage is another wave as I try not to go back for a full kiss.

"Dude," Paul snorts from the table, both of us hearing Kim stammer to Sam all the way to the car. "You still got it."

"Jared Cameron, lady's man." He adds, as I lower down contently into the chair with a huge smile on my face.

"Jared Cameron, Kim's man."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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