Queen witch

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Elijah, Elena and Bonnie arrived at the cemetery. Freya waited patienly for them to see what exactly would take place. 

Bonnie muttered a spell Ayana had passed to her and she opened the tomb without much effort. And she knew where to look. Elena got inside with her helping her move a stone slab with a hook and Bonnie now went down the steps to an underground tunnel. 

Elijah waited for them outside the tomb, keeping watch.

Freya appeared slithering like a snake out of nowhere in front of the tomb smiling at his brother.

"Freya?!"- Elijah said cordially.

"I was told that you found a way to open the tomb?!"-  Freya said- " great now we are ready to fight off Dahlia whenever she appears!"

"So we are!"- Elijah then said. 

Elena then got out of the tomb and looked at Freya.

"You must be the doppelganger?!"- Freya said as if she was enchanted to meet Elena. 

"Yes. "- Elijah said- "Elena, this is my sister Freya."- he introduced them.

"Hi." Elena said not phased by her.

They all acted as if being there in the morning was the most natural thing in the world, which was not far from the truth. They all played cool, although it was clear that nothing was right, but it wasn't the time or the place to start off any real animocities. Elena knew that tactics and strategies were a thing the Original family loved to play. It was like a chess game. 
"I guess it was only a matter of a waiting game!"-Dahlia said as she appeared from the other side of the tomb. Freya looked at her aunt calm without showing one ounce of shock.
Using her powers like it was a childsplay made Elijah and Elena drop like flies on the floor, she then swooped into the tomb taking the amulet off of Bonnie dropping her into the tunnel closing the tomb off behind her.
"Take the doppelganger!"- Dahlia said to Freya, who did as she was told.
Elijah could only watch them leave, but he couldn't move as the spell cast made him paralized.


"I have to prepare for the future and generations to come"- Ayana said to her daughter- "this is one amulet to protect us from the dark magic that will rise once again. The spirits have seen that one day there would not be stopping them."
Several days after Ayana came to Esther knowing what she had done, bringing the message from her vision.

"I am not the one who could stop you. Although I should have, but I cannot kill or take the magic from you. I can give you this warning and it concerns the werewolf son of yours. He will have a child one day, the darkness has shown it. But it has also shown that if he stayed a vampire he would not be able to procreate. You know what you have to do and you know why!"

Bonnie dusted herself off now, anger built up inside of her and she had to first steady herself for a second.

"I am sick to death of being locked in even if it is a tunnel, a tomb or an alternative world"-

"Patefacio sursum!" she said and the slab lach moved open. She got out of tunnel into the tomb-

"Recludam!"- and the tomb doors opened. She got out and found Elijah on the ground with Thierry trying to open the tomb.

"Dimittam!"- Bonnie waved her hand above Elijah and he stood up as if he was unchained.

"We have to hurry!"- he now said worried.

"I hope Klaus listened to me and took his daughter to her bayou home!"

"I gave him the amulet!- Thierry said. 

"Good. They cannot do anything to Hope as long as she has got that amulet on her!"

"They have Elena and they can kill her. But they took the other amulet. "- Elijah then said.

"But they cannot do anything as I got the magic of my coven and the witch buried here. The amulet won't work with their magic. They need me to release the power of the amulet, otherwise no ritual can take place!"- Bonnie explained.

Elijah drove the car masterfully as if he was a race champion.

"They still have Elena!"- Elijah said noting that they could still harm her.

"I wasn't one to really negotiate with before. I am not now. I am doing this to stop other witches from abusing the dark magic, and because Elena being used as sacrificial lamb cos of her blood even though she is a vampire, seriously is too much!!"

"Why was Hope bestowed with the gift of dark magic?!"- Elijah then asked.

"It runs in your family. Your aunt, your mother, apparently your great-grandmother had it. It's a curse. because of the gift of dark magic your mother could make you vampires. They didn't supress Klaus' werewolf side because he would be  dangerous as a hybrid or hide the fact that he is not Mikael's."

"But also because he could have children?!"- Elijah concluded.

Bonnie noded and added-"witch threat!"

"When Esther came back she knew all this?!"- he then muttered.

They got out of the car and found everyone present, Klaus, Jackson, Hayley who was holding Hope, and Elena held hostage by Freya and Dahlia. 
The ancient witch wasn't pleased, that being an understatement, but she never could have imagined that this young woman was a worthy oponent.
Elijah flashed back at the time when Klaus was about to start the ritual to trigger his werewolf side.

Elena looked at him. There were no fear in her eyes. Exactly how it was then. She trusted him. Now she looked at Bonnie who smiled a little.

"Surprised to see me?!"- she said confidently.-"Guess, what- check mate!"
Bonnie first released Elena from their hold and then without taking notice of anyone present just took both of  witches on.
"I so had enough of this family always stopping me from living a normal peaceful life."- Bonnie raged.

Elena ran over to Elijah. Klaus took Hope. Hayley and Jackson followed them away from the place.

Not long after they could see Dahlia pinned to the house trying to gasp for breath. Freya was already down not being able to resist the Bennett coven magic that was said to existed before beginning of time.

Elena looked at how Bonnie chocked the old witch to death, stripping  off the immortality spell off of her.  Then mumbling words so she could not be consencrated and brought back again.

She then stood above Freya and Elijah now ran to her shouting-

"We agreed!"- he then said looking at Bonnie. Elena was there now standing next to him worrying that her friend would show no mercy.

Bonnie looked at them with her eyes cold as the magic she used.

"Not to stoop to your level!"- Bonnie then said looking at Elijah and then at Elena.

"Don't Bonnie - it's not you!"- Elena said. 

"No!"- Bonnie said and then looked at Freya- "Somnum sempiternum!"- she muttered the spell waving her hand over her face. She then walked away.

Elijah knelt down to Freya and repeated the words Bonnie had said- "Forever sleep..."

Bonnie walked by Klaus and the rest of them who were now in the woods not far.

She got into Elijah's car and drove off.

"Is she some kind of a Queen witch?!"- Jackson remarked looking at Hayley.

"If she wasn't before, she is now!"- Hayley said.


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