6 minutes

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The two boys stood together, in the tight quarters of the 'Ranvan', both hoping the other one would say something. Tubbo absently stared out the window, to what he hoped would be his new start, Las Navadas.

Ranboo just as absently, wiped of the counters of which burgers had been being prepared all day, making sure that there was not a single speck of dust sitting on that counter. He couldn't risk anything with his new found employer, Wilbur. He had always been a people pleaser and he didn't plan to change that about himself, partly because he the voices would scream at him that he was a traitor, a bastard, a disgrace, if he did anything less then do what other told him to do at the best of his abilities, and partly due the the fact that he didn't realize he was a people pleaser.

"So uh-" Tubbo finally chimed in, after what seemed like a life time of silence. Ranboo quickly looked up from the counters, but not into the eyes of his husband, as if he was a small child again, unable to do so. "How have you been, Ranboo?" He asked, making a weak attempt to not sound dry or awkward, failing in both departments, surprising no one.

"I've been uh-" He paused for a moment looking for the right word to use, honest, but not to honest. "I've been alright I guess. How are you?"

"I've been great, boss man!" He replied immediately, emotion back into his voice finally."

"Really? You say you're great after selling our cookie outpost to Quackity?" I can't believe you." The mood in the van changed immediately, it hit both Tubbo, Ranboo like a train. The words cutting deep to both of them.

"I'm sorry, what? I'm genuinely confused."

"You know what I said." He shot a venomous glance at Tubbo before quickly turning away, eyes purple and all. "You know what I said."

"Ranboo- I"

"You're what? Sorry? YOU DONT JUST SAY SORRY ABOUT SELLING SOMETHING THAT BIG!" He shoot at the goat boy, he was no longer Tubbo to him.

With his anger quickly rising came the voices Along with the Puppeteer, slowly creeping in to the enderboys mind, steeling it from him, bit by bit.

"Ranboo, I built it, I'm not going to come and consult you for every desition I make. I'm not a god damn child."


Quickly trying to change the mood again Tubbo asked what he thought would be a simple enough question, "Are you alright? What's gotten into you."

And in that moment there was a small slip up in the puppet master, freeing the boys mind for a moment, allowing him to say what he truly thought. "I- I don't know-" He was cut of by the Puppeteer once again. "DO I LOOK LIKE IM FINE?" He screamed as he reached down to his side to find a newly crafted blade of netherite, glowing and shining, read to cut thought something, anything. The voices ready ready as well

"Ranboo no-" Tubbo gasped, trying to leave the van, only to be blocked by the tall slender figure if someone he knew was not his husband. "This is not you I know, but I need it to be, okay? Do what I told you. Breathe."

The attempt to calm the evil did not work as it slowly walked closer to the goat boy, drawing its blade high.

"Ranboo!" He screamed, in an attempt to find his husband within all his voices and alters and masters and what ever else he had going on in his mind.

It happened fast.
From the first words in the conversation to the blade cutting though the skull of the goat boy it had only been six minutes. Tubbo beastly had time to comprehend it all, shocked by the actions of his husband.
A bloody sword dropped to the ground, along with an even more bloody corpse and. The voices screamed
All singing in a symphony,loud and clear, all agreeing for once.

It had all happed so fast.
"No- I didn't do this. Did I"

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