Chapter 16

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I walked downstairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast; Charlie was sitting there reading the paper as I took my prenatal vitamins with a glass of juice.

"Your brother called" He said behind his paper.

"Which one?" I asked.


"Yeah?" I asked.

"He was asking about you and the baby. Says he might bring little Izzy out before you give birth. Rosalie doesn't want to travel with the baby and Joey is in school, but Izzy's still in preschool and Emmett wants to see you. Says you guys haven't talked since you moved out here." He added.

"Is this your way of guilting me into telling you I've been embracing my hermit qualities as of late?" I asked him pouring my cereal into a bowl.

"Sure why not" Dad shrugged.

"I haven't been up to talking to people lately. Is that a crime?" I asked.

"No, have you talked to your therapist about it?" he asked.


"Isn't that what you go for?"

"It's couple therapy" I told him.

"Aren't you part of that couple?" he asked.

"There's nothing wrong about wanting to be by yourself for awhile" I said ignoring his question. "Plus I'm never truly alone, I have Lucinda with me all the time" I said.

"Who?" he asked.

"Your granddaughter" I told him placing my hand on my bump.

"Oh... nice name" He said.

"We think so" I said.

"What happens when she's gone though?" he asked.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Well once you give birth won't she be living with Edward?" Dad asked.

"Well... yeah" I said.

"So what happens once she's gone? Who's going to be here then?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet" I explained.

"Well you might wanna start trying to figure that out. I don't want you getting depressed and no one is around to notice it" He said.

"Thanks for your concern" I said "I think" I added not really sure how to react to that.

"Promise me you'll at least talk to your therapist about this" Dad said as I got up to go upstairs and get dressed.

"Sure why not" I said. "Did you call Edward to tell him we're coming over?" I asked just before I walked out of the room.

"No, why?" he asked.

"Edward is in charge of the kids' schedules. If he doesn't want them seeing me this morning he shouldn't have to put up with it. Plus we can't just turn up to his house unannounced." I said.

"You call him" Dad said.

"You're making me do this you call him" I said before tossing Dad the home phone. "Number's on the fridge" I said before jogging up the stairs and getting dressed.

Once ready Dad and I got into his car and I directed him towards Edward's house.

"Do you know what you're going to say to him?" Dad asked.

"No" I said.

"You didn't think about this last night?" he asked.

"No, but I did call Jacob. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me what so ever." I told him. "And Angela brushed me off like an ex girlfriend or something. Was too busy to talk to me and promised to catch up next time she was visiting her mother." I stated.

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