꧁Chapter 3꧂

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Honestly I was tired of them arguing for nothing I letted go of both of their hair I turn around and said. "I'm sorry that you had to see that unfold". The people didn't say anything back. They silently stared at me a shiver went down my spine. I try to strike a conversation with the American flag looking guy

 I try to strike a conversation with the American flag looking guy

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He didn't say anything back every time I said something to him. As I tried to talk to him after some time I decided to stop after a while because of the intense eyes burning into my head because of the Russain man. I went to go see what Gabby and Zack and Dave are doing I saw them playing go fish I was about question why they or the got the cards for it but I didn't. But I did join the next round of go fish what felt like a entire century Dave was started to getting mad because he kept losing every round and I mean EVERY ROUND. He was getting so angry that he threw his cards at the concrete floor. Shortly after his temper tantrum Zack had the greatest idea I looked at him with a bit of fear. The smirk was slowly formed at his lips "stop being a sore loser Dave~" Zack and Dave got into a fight me and Gabby continued the game as they fought after a while they were still fighting and I started to lose my consecration (idk how to spell that word). So I went over and knocked out the both of them in one hit then I dragged their bodies and set them up against the brick wall and continue the game with Gabby. I noticed that all the people left except America he probably stayed back to keep a eye on us so that we don't escape it something like that. After a couple more rounds I statted to started sleepy and said to Gabby "hey you sleepy too?" Then she replied with "yeah I'm starting to sleepy too" "Anyways I'm going to sleep now" I said to Gabby "yeah I'm going to sleep too" as we both went over where Zack and Dave are. Me and Gabby cuddled close and let sleepiness take us.


382 words

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