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Hehe, Funny title...

Another story we had to make fur our Public Speaking Club. We were allotted words which we mewst include.. and oof, we couldn't get a better idea..

The words were: Corona, Harry Potter & Forest (HA!)
And fortunately, me, being a potterhead, again lead the team (OOF WHY MEEE! T-T)

And here we go...


"Ah, I've finally completed my latest scientific magical potion! Albus Severus Potter, I'll avenge my uncle's death!"
"Platform 9 & three quarters, here I come!" Harry Potter's son (Here goes one word..) , Albus Severus potter said. It was the three sibling's second year. A few days passed since the session started. A week passed, then two, and so an until two months were completed. Albus got into a fight with a pure blood who was bullying a muggle.
"Stop with this nonsense Scorpius!" Albus yelled.
"Don't you interfere, Potter. Im doing what's right"

Albus became furious and took out his wand, "Enough is enough! Expelliarmus!"
Thank his Bad Luck, Professor McGonagall saw him do this, and therefore, he got detention. Gryffindor lost 5 points, he was sent to the Forbidden Forest for the night. (Ha! Forest was my word, just one more left..)

This was the time, Axis took his goal and poured the potion on Albus. He caught corona virus (We have the Creator of Covid, let's murder this fictional guy why did he do that..) . He started sneezing and coughing at once and saw a broom. He flew up to Voldemort's nephew, Axis and sneezed on him. "Achoo!"

Then Albus (Not Dumbledore T-T) said, "WHY THE HELL AXIS?!" 
He used a spell known as "Zerecta!" on himself (i made that up..) and extracted covid from his body. Next, he used obliviate to erase Axis' memories and then he used 'Wingardium Leviosar.. I MEANT 'Wingardium LevioSA' on Covid and transferred it to him. 

He called Harry to get to know where the Chamber of Secrets was. He trapped Axis in there and broke his wand. At the end of the year, Gryffindor won when Professor McGonagall gave 25000 points to Gryffindor.

Axis suffered all his life and soon died there. He moaned more than Moaning Myrtle. If you siriusly thought this was a sad ending, I'd say you're Ron, this was a happily ever after.


No comments, there it goes. I couldn't help with the puns!

 I couldn't help with the puns!

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~Claretta ✨❤

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