Ch.2: Uh oh

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I forgot to draw the cover for this chapter so you'll have to wait for a bit. Sorry ':]

Chapter 2

"Augh, how annoying!" he grumbled before he furiously clicked at the exit button of the same stupid advertisement that's been plaguing his phone over and over again. Guess that's what he gets for buying a cheap knock-off phone huh? He wistfully sighed and quietly checked his sad thin wallet, heroism doesn't pay that well.

It's been three days since he found himself in this place and he's somehow scraping by. He probably would have panicked by now if he wasn't so used to these kinds of predicaments, which is just depressing to think about so he doesn't.

He swished his legs at the edge of the roof of a cheap motel he was staying at while watching a video online that showed a blond buff man in a tight blue suit, flashing a bright smile as he stops a robbery alone and bare-handed.

He learned a lot of cool things about this world, one is that pretty much everyone has different and unique kinds of powers, powers they call 'Quirks'. He was so astounded and thrilled when he found that out. It's so awesome! It's like he was living in a comic book!

But of course with power comes greed, and with it comes defiance. Just as villains were formed, heroes were born to stop them. No, seriously, being a hero is an actual professional job with a high income! (so heroism does pay well!) Wow, it really is like a  sci-fi comic book.

Oh, and did he mention he's in a different timeline as well? A century in the future to be exact. Again, he probably would have completely panicked if he wasn't so used to it by now, that and he's a hopeful optimist. Just think of it as a vacation, a nice relaxing vac- 

"Oh come on!" He screamed in frustration when another ad popped up. The fact that it's an ad about milk for growth makes it even more irritating. He rated it one star out of pure spite. He didn't even realize he changed into Fire if it weren't for the now-familiar migraine kindly reminding him.

He scowled. This is another problem, ever since his watch failed him (again) he can barely control whenever he changes into an element. Feeling particularly cheerful? He'll turn into Wind. Whenever he's not paying attention? He'll turn into Earth. Heck even just by relaxing a little too much he changes into Water!.

"This is getting tiring," Fire complained, "screw it. Now I want to hit something!"

All of sudden, as if the world finally heeded upon his call, the door on the rooftop slammed open. Numerous footsteps echoed through the hallway as a man with an impressive mustache leads multiple funny-looking men with bizarre clothes and especially their hair.

They look like a terrible gag for a shady hair product promotion.

"Huh~ so you're the kid who's been doing 'good deeds' around here," the mustache man said something but Fire was too busy looking at the weapons the men brought, "well, aren't you a good little two shoes. Unfortunately, you're getting in the way of our 'business' and that's not so great for us. So we'll have to... 'compromise' the situation." He said in a regretful tone but his face says otherwise.

"Uhh, boss doesn't he look kind of familiar?"

"Does it matter? They'll all look the same in the end anyway," the mustache man's lips curled upwards, "beat up and bruised." He said in a dark tone.

At that moment something clicked inside of Fire's head. Weapons + Threatening tone + a sad fashion taste = Bad guys!

Fire grinned a bright and wicked smile that made some of the villains shivered.

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