Sejioh 4 (2)

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Matsukawa was the second to make some deep connection to you

He slid up in your insta dm's at three am and asked if you wanted to hang out

He came over and you both hung out in your backyard, asking each other weird questions while staring at the stars

He was laying next to you on the concrete patio, next to your pool, his head touching yours

He listened as you pointed out certain stars, asking you questions about their stories and listening to everything you said

Yet Matsukawa's relationship with you was the first to turn physical

After he told you a joke and made you laugh, he turned to you and said "let's get in the pool"

You laughed at him as if it was a joke, but when he got up and stood above you - you knew he wasn't joking

The shit eating grin came to his face a he pulled you up despite your physical and verbal resistance you pleas were filled with laughed as he pulled you over his shoulder, walking over to your pool and going to the stairs.

The lights in the pool made the water glow magically he walked down the pool stairs, the water soaking his clothes and you held tightly onto him, begging and tugging at his hair as you pulled your legs and arms up

Matsu scooped your legs in his hands, and quickly pulled you both under

A large smile was on his face and you pushed away from him, going to the surface for air

Still in the more shallow end of the pool, matsu stood with his head and shoulders out of the water while you had to keep yourself up

You jokingly told him you hate him and splashed him

He had grabbed your arms and allowed his legs to give in, hearing your squeal and he pulled you both underwater again

He looked up at you through the glowing water, watching as you pouted at him

He couldn't help himself as you yanked your arms closer to him

His face was extremely closed to yours as he stared at your eyes, seeing if you would pull away

When you didnt, he pressed his lips to yours, feeling your hands cup his cheeks. When you pulled away you stared trying to go up for air and matsu pushed you both up

He stood up, keeping you both in the air as you gasped for breath.

He stared at you until you finally looked at him

He lowered his body to match yours, his shoulders and neck submerging into the water as his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you close

Your hands found their was to his face, pushing his soaked hair back while he stared at your eyes and lips.

He kissed you again, gently running his hands around your body and listening to every little noise you made

He hooked your legs around his waist, moving further into to pool so there was so chance you could touch the bottom, forcing you to depend on him

Eventually he had pushed you against the tile wall, and took control

He stopped at your neck, feeling you cling to the wet shirt on his back, before he pulled you out of the pool.

He bid you goodbye at the door, a taunting smirk on his face as he tilted your chin to look up at him, gently kissing your lips

God you drove him crazy

The next morning- hanamaki slammed his door open, shocked at the sight of his swollen lips and insane story that came along with it

The pink haired boy called his other two friends over to help him yell at the boy who laid in his bed

Matsu laid in his bed, hugging his pillow to his chest as he tuned out the other three who yelled loudly at him from 'taking advantage of their y/n-chan'

Matsu didn't listen to them, focusing on the high you gave him as the other three started to beat him with pillows

That's when he stared to fight back

In a few minutes, the tallest member had been disarmed from any defense he had yet he had gotten away from the others

He was standing at one side of the room, the three on the other

Matsu wqs right next to the door, and he turned to the three with his shit eating grin

"Y/n tastes like candy"

He bolted down the street as his three friends chased him with pillows

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