one: sorrow

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Deena groans to the sound of her alarm clock. She slams her hand down on it, and it immediately stops. confused, she gets up, rubbing her eyes so she can look around clearly. "Shit," she mumbles, her alarm clock showing nothing but a black screen of which she saw her reflection in. She knew that alarm clock was old and bound to be broke from the amount of times she slammed it off when she woke up, but today wasnt the day she wanted it to break, not that she wanted it to break at all.

She gets out of her messy bed, stretching and yawning. As she opens her closet, she picks out a gray long sleeve shirt and maroon short sleeved one. She throws them on, putting jeans on with them. She fixes her hair which was messed up by her throwing the shirts over her head.

Picking up her opened backpack, with books and paper sticking out of it, she walks downstairs with it on her shoulder. she puts two pieces of toast in the toaster, getting the butter out of the fridge and watching, waiting for the toast to pop up.

She gets shocked by the sound of it popping up, scaring the shit out of her. A small chuckle escapes her lips before her face turns to a blank yet expression again. Buttering the toast, she throws it on a plate and walks to the basement to tell Josh to get ready.

He was already dressed, messing around with his backpack when deena handed him the toast. "Thanks, Deena," he smiles. "No problem, sir silence," she laughs. Messing with her little brother always made her happy, as it had always been a running joke. Her stomach rumbles as she starts walking up the stairs. "Deena?" Josh says, concern in his voice as he follows her up the stairs.

"Yeah?" she answers, standing by the door to make sure Josh closed it on his way out. "Did you.. eat?"

"Not hungry."

"Your stomach is telling other stories. Come on Deena, just a little bit."

She sighs, grabbing a banana and eating it whole. "That's enough for me."


"Josh, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Whatever," he sighs, following her out the door. She gets in the car, starting it up and putting her backpack in the backseat. Josh follows her lead, putting his seatbelt on at the same time as her. She backs up and begins driving to school.

Once they arrive, Josh gets out and hugs her before walking in. Deena sighs, waiting a few minutes before actually walking into school. "Hey ladykiller!" Kate smiles, patting Deena on the back as she puts her books in. "Hey, Kate. Hey Simon, I know you're there also."

"What? What gave it away!?" Simon pouts. "What gave it away is that you do this almost everyday," Deena slightly smiles, shutting her locker. "So, what's up with you guys?" She asks, leaning up against her locker and looking at the both of them.

"Just got moved up to cheer captain, that's whats up!" Kate says enthusiastically. "Really? Kate that's fucking awesome!" Deena smiles, pulling her in for a hug. Simon joins, hugging them both, a little too hard. "Ouch, si!" Kate laughs as they all pull away from the hug.

"I'm happy for you Katie," Deena smiles. All three of them had nicknames for each other, being best friends you'd expect it. Simon's are Si and Simoney, Kate's is Katie, and Deena's is Dee.

"So, what're you guys doing after school today? Wanna hang out maybe?" Simon asks, a smile on his face. "How could you say no to the Simon smile?" Deena scoffs, "The usual. Not too busy, I'd love to hangout with you guys."

"The usual is sleeping all day, hmm, Dee?"

"Shut up Kate," Deena jokes, "I mean, I guess so. And cleaning up dads mess. I do enjoy playing video games though. Also, My So Called Life? So good. I can't thank you enough for getting me hooked onto that show Kate. Love you for that."

"You love me no matter what," Kate laughs, and Deena nods, "Oh come on, we love you too Simoney," Kate adds as she spots Simon standing with a pout. Deena nods in agreement to this as well.

"So? Is that a yes? Are we gonna do stuff after school today?" He asks, and is answered by approving nods from the two, "YEAHH! LET'S FUCKING GOO"

Everybody was staring at them now, but none of them were bothered. "You guys have to come to my cheer game though! My first one as captain!"

"I'd come anyways, band shit," Deena groans.

The bell rings and they all smile before going their separate ways to their classes. Deena's first subject today is english, one of her favorite subjects. She grabs her books and walks into the classroom, searching for her seat. Once she spots it, she takes a seat, plopping her books down in front of her.

She looks around. There was hardly anybody in the classroom. Just her, the english teacher, a girl with black hair, a boy with brown hair and a girl with blonde hair, who catches Deena's eye. It doesn't take her long to notice who the blonde is— Samantha Fraser. or, Sam Fraser, what she prefers being called.

How would Deena know that? Oh, just the fact that they have almost every class together, that they've been familiar with each other since middle school, and that who doesn't know Sam Fraser? Popular cheerleader, in a friend group with all the popular kids, pretty, bitchy, used to date a ton of jocks. If you go to Sharyside High School, you're gonna be familiar with Sam Fraser. Basically everybody drools over her, or has a crush on her. She was awarded "hottest in the class" award last year. She has thousands of followers on instagram and twitter, probably one of, if not the most followed at this high school.

Apparently Deena was staring at her whilst caught in her thoughts, because once she snaps out of them, she see's Sam awkwardly smiling at her. Deena shakes her head, opening her book and reading it as she waits for the period to start.

"Hello class, happy Monday, even though I can assume you all hate Mondays! We're picking up where we left off last week. Open your books to page 183 and reread them so you know what we're working with here."

Deena opens her book to that page, rereading it. "Okay, we done? Good. So, now that you've refreshed yourself with that, I think it's time to get the annoying part out of the way. We have an essay to work on this week." The classroom is full of groans as the teacher, Mr. Spotsor nods. "I know, I know. You will be writing your essay about somebody in this very classroom. Yep! I know, can be awkward, but it's a new thing to switch it up a bit! I will assign you somebody to work on it with in a second."

Deena sighs. This could either be really sweet or really embarrassing. Or both. Or corny. Or all three.

She zones out in her daydreams as Mr. Spotsor reads out names. Until she hears her name be called. "Deena Johnson, you will be writing your essay about Sam Fraser, Sam Fraser, you will be writing your essay about Deena Johnson."

She groans, all eyes were switching from Deena and Sam. A popular cheerleader writing about an outcast who sticks to herself and looks sad all the time unless she's with her friends? Yikes. Deena can't wait to see how this will turn out.

The two exchange eye contact one last time before Deena pulls out a paper and start getting to work. As much as she didn't wanna do this, she wants to get an A. No B'a. Nothing lower than an A. A+ is great. Deena's grades are always good, and it's not that theres anybody to care if they're good or not. It's just that her having good grades makes her feel good about herself.

Plus, she's supposed to be a good influence on Josh. That's all that her mother asked of her. So she's going to do it.

Deena looks down at the paper in front of her, pencil in hand. She bounces the pencil around and bounces her legs. She's already stuck on the title.

This is going to be a long ass essay. And it's going to be a ton of work.

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