How it all began

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I stared in fear at the darkness of my room, willing for my mom to come in and tell me everything was going to be okay. I could feel my heart racing and my mind going wild with what could be hiding in the dark. I glanced at my clock, 5 minutes had passed since the power outage. I could venture out into the dark halls of my home but there was protection in staying in my bed where nothing could hurt me. Childish i know but nothing has harmed me yet while being in bed so its my best bet. I do worry for my little sister though and that is what has me grabbing my phone and proceeding on my journey into the dark halls. I turn on the flashlight in my phone and slowly and cautiously make my way to her room. Her door has her name spelled on it in glitter stickers and it brings me a sense of calmness. With a slow turn of the handle and tip toe in and hastily make my way to her bed.

"Katie" I whispered as I shook her small body that was currently wrapped in blankets. Which personally i find weird seeing as it is super hot in this house. My mom needs to start running the ac more.

I stared at my sister's sleeping body. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is slightly open. Her thick curly light brown hair lays in a knotted mess around her face. I nearly screamed at the sudden crash that cam from outside the door. It was enough to wake my sister who sat up, rubbing her eyes with her fists.

"Whats going on?" She mumbled, sleep thick in her voice. I turned towards the door and creeped over, resting my ear to the wood.

"Where is it" A harsh voice spoke. It was a voice I didn't recognize.

"I will never tell you" that was a voice I knew, the sweet voice of my mother. She sounded nervous and yet strong. I wanted to open the door to get a look at the stranger but I couldn't risk my sister's safety like that.

"Katie" I whispered, she peered at me with confusion, asking who was out there. " you need to hide in you closet okay"

At hearing the urgency in my voice, tears began to fill her eyes. I internally sighed with annoyance. This was not the time for hysterics. "I'm scared" She whimpered out.

"There's nothing to fear" I promised her as I glanced nervously at the door. I really needed her to hide quickly. "We are just playing hid and seek '' This has her eyeing me curiously. I stared right back before covering my eyes. "One... two..." I heard her giggle before her footsteps became quiet and when I opened them, she was gone.

With slow movement I peaked out the door and down the hall. I could still hear the exchange going on between the man and my mother.

"I will kill you and you daughter if you do not hand over the key" He threatened.

" I do not have the key" A shaky voice responded.

"LAIR" a loud bang was heard. I jumped and pressed myself up against the wall. My heart was racing and my body felt numb. I wasn't sure if I would even be able to move my legs. I was petrified.

"No stop!" my dads voice came, he sounded scared. "I'll take you to it"

" William, " My mother pleaded.

"It will be okay" I could see his reassuring smile in my mind "we are out of time"

Some chuckled, "Finally, someone smart" I heard footsteps move further away from me. I quickly and silently peeked around the corner and into the family room. My mother laid on the ground, a pool of blood around her. With a gasp, I ran to her and clutched her hand in mine.

"Mommy" my voice was shaky, though I tried to sound brave.

She looked up at me with sadness, "honey, i need you to hide with you sister, do not make a sound" her blue eyes begged me. I gripped her hand tight in mine.

"What's going on, who was that?" I whispered.

"There is no time to explain" , she took off her necklace and handed it to me. She raised my hand and laid a soft kiss on it. "I love you" She said, her voice wavering and she reached up and wiped the tears away from my face. "Now go, protect this necklace and get you and you sister out of her"

"But what about you?" I pleaded. I didn't like where this was going. All i got from her was a sad smile.

"Your dad and I love you so much. Keep your sister close to you and never let her forget the love we had for the both of you" She pulled out the knife that was stuck in her side. "Now please my little light, hide" I let out a gasp and she pushed me. I stared at her one last time before quickly making my way back to my sister's room. Not before hearing the sound of a knife hitting flesh and a sharp gasp.

Blinded by tears, I entered my sister's room and ducked straight into her closet where she sat clutching a stuffed bunny. I clutched the necklace in my hand, an hourglass.

"Where's mommy?" Katie said, her lip wobbling. I sighed and pulled her close to me.

"Mommy is playing hide and seek with us, she will come find us later" I breathed in deeply in order to control the tears threatening to spill. The lie falling easily out of my mouth.

An enraged yell rang through my home causing a sharp shriek from my sister. I felt my heart drop, I covered her mouth and squeezed my eyes shut as slow, predatory footsteps made their way to the door. I held my breath waiting for someone to enter but as I took a gasp of air the smell of smoke hit me. I didn't dare open the closet door and little did I know that in doing so I saved my sister and I's life while the man stood outside waiting. We sat there for what felt like hours. Flames erupting everywhere. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to crawl. I just held my sisters and clutched the necklace as the walls began to crumble. Dying was an easy way out, what life would we have without my mother and father.

I heard the scared sobs of my sister. The coughs we gave as smoke filled our lungs. I looked at her, she was shaking, staring at me for directions. I gave a small smile.

"Just close your eyes" I whispered. "When we wake up, we will be with mom and dad"

Yeah, that didn't happen.

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