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I was not with my mom and dad. I didn't know where I was but if this was heaven then I really need to speak to someone about room arrangements. I sat on a thick mattress with white sheets and a white pillow. The room was bland and grey. I'm pretty sure the walls were metal but I didn't want to leave the bed I sat on. Nothing could harm me as long as I sat where I was. My first thoughts were of my sister, is she here as well. There were no windows but one door. I should go see if it's locked but let's be honest, in every story I read, the door is always locked.

I'm not sure how long I've been here but boredom is quickly approaching. At this point I am almost wishing for someone, anyone to come in. My arm hurts like a mother fluffer and my stomach is no better. Bandages wrapped along my leg, torso, and arms and it made it painful to move. I picked at the white, cotton, bandages, needing some sort of distraction from the void I felt inside. Flashes of the nightmare I'm living kept racing through my mind. The sound of my mother as she sank the blade into her skin. The sound of the man who tore my family apart. The worst part is I did not have the necklace she entrusted to me. The one thing I had left, the last thing she asked of me. I failed her.

The coolness of the room left goosebumps on my skin. I layed staring up at the ceiling, searching for any imperfections in the grey metal. Nothing, I was the only imperfect thing in this perfect room. I mean, even if I wanted to cause havoc to the room, everything was bolted to the ground. Trust me, I tried in my fits of anger to push, show, kick anything. The most I did was make my knuckles bloody. I sank to the floor, a sob caught in my throat and my tear filled eyes looked at the ground. I don't think I ever felt so helpless in my life. I spent a good hour screaming for my sister, for release, for my mother, and nothing.


"Hows the older girl doing" A deep voice came from a strong built man. He stood tall, his eyes serious as he leaned over to look at the computer monitor. A young women sat in the chair, calculating eyes viewing the screen.

"Her crying has slowed down" She noted, turning her chair to the gentleman who laid on the floor. To anyone else, he could be mistaken as sleeping, but she knew better. "Perhaps its time we go in"

"Yeah" The man on the floor gave a chuckle, "and work her up again", he peeked an eye open and looked to the women, "no thank you"

She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. The built young man continued to observe the screen. He watched as the young girl stood up, a wince on her face as she moved her injured body around. She walked over to the door and began to bang on it, screaming, crying, before sliding down it.

"We need to send someone in" He straightens up and looks over all three of them, "this isn't helping her"

"I say we wait for the icicle to get here before we engage" the sprawled out man said. He swiped a finger under his eyes, clearly trying to salvage the eyeliner placed perfectly around his brown eyes.,

"You just dont want to deal with the kid" The woman said and proceeded to kick him as she stood up.

"Thats not my only reason," He groaned out and sat up, " He knows more about the people who did this to them and he requested that we do not interact until he get there"

"I just hate to watch the poor thing torment herself, she is probably thinking the worse" The build man said, worry in his voice.

"Then close your eyes James" The man got up off the floor, "Im going to greet our new co worker" and with that he left.

" Damian can be a dick" The women said as she rested a hand on his shoulder, " The girls will be fine"

"Thanks natalia" James replied, the smallest of smiles on his lips as he rested his hand on hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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